A place for honest talk about the nation and American Life. Go ahead. Argue. That's the point. That's our republic.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Big-Brained Primate Calls Birth of Christ "Legend"

Sunday, December 2, 2007
Save The Planet By Using Toxic Materials

Friday, November 23, 2007
Breaking News- Kennedy Still Dead

Yesterday, in addition to being Thanksgiving Day (which was enough for me), was the anniversary of former President John F. Kennedy's death by an assassin in Dallas, Texas. What better way to mark the occasion than by suggesting another (GASP!) conspiracy? That's what I found at www.worldnetdaily.com, one of the web sites I check regularly for news and commentary. In fact, it was the lead story. I guess the story of President Kennedy's murder is still getting this much press 45 years later because...well, a lot of people liked him. That, and the fact that it was (cue Access Hollywood music) "caught on tape!"
Friday, November 16, 2007
ACLU Pours Gasoline on Christmas, Catch Selves on Fire

Wednesday, November 7, 2007
The Last Time Hillary Was President

I know, I know, you're probably thinking, "come on, buddy, you can't really be blaming the Clintons for the actions of a few nut jobs!" Well...no...I guess not. Janet Reno, however....maybe. And who put her at the head of the Department of Justice? Oh, I almost forgot! The Battle of Mogadishu in 1993! This is where Osama ben Laden got the idea that America was just a pushover, a paper tiger. Judging by the events that followed the crash of two of our MH-60 Blackhawks, ben Laden decided Americans just don't have the stomach for war, at least not for very long. We lost just under 20 of our brave troops to a horde of brutal thugs (many more were injured)...funny though, when George Bush began it, it was to provide humanitarian aid. When the Clintons took over, Operation Provide Relief morphed into Operation Gothic Serpent, a nation-building mission. However, since it didn't go so smoothly, co-presidents Bill and Hillary Clinton decided we should tuck our tails and run.

Saturday, October 20, 2007
Sen. Reid: Tremendous Abuse of Power Leads To Charity

Friday, October 12, 2007
Robotic Politician Wins Medal For Peace By Scaring The Hell Out of Everyone

Thursday, October 11, 2007
"Most Ethical Congress" Seeks Investigation Into Dangerous Thing Called "Free Speech"

Here we go again, once more on the "Fairness Doctrine" merry-go-round. This is how it works with liberals like Harry Reid and Nacy Pelosi; If it's flag burning or pornography in the streets, it's free speech, but if a guy on the radio says he's tired of illegal immigration or says he's offended by porn in the streets it's hate speech. The thing that free speech and hate speech have in common , apparently, is that both are defined by liberals. Once you realise this, it should not be a surprise that Rep. Henry Waxman, Democrat, California, is reportedly launching an investigation on famed talk radio host Rush Limbaugh. That's right, the people who promised us back in January the most ethical congress in our country's history are wasting taxpayer time and money digging up dirt on one of their biggest critics in an attempt to shut him up. These self-proclaimed sentinels of our most sacred rights as citizens are the first ones to tell you they stand for freedom of speech and are invariably the first ones to try to take it away from you. "You can't say that! That's hate speech! That's not politically correct! Why, something has to be done about all of these people expressing their personal views! There ought to be a law! We need to launch investigations, hearings, hangings! How dare you say something I personally disagree with!" Calling themselves the Democratic Party is an insult to the very word "democratic." Now, I'm not really worried about Rush Limbaugh. He can take care of himself. As he said on his program, "It's a pretty serious charge that the chairman of the House Government Oversight Committee is going to compile reports and conduct investigations of private citizens who work on the radio." This is bigger than Rush, or Hannity, this threatens anyone who states an opinion, anywhere, anytime, in any forum. I've told you before, folks, if they succeed in resurrecting the Fairness Doctrine, it will spill over into the internet, into coffee houses, and even your overheard cell phone conversations. It has nothing to do with "fairness." It has everything to do with silencing the opposition. Conservatives like myself are usually called nasty names like "Nazi," but let me ask you this...what seems more American to you, offering up an opposing viewpoint or trying to silence it? Think about it.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
"Indigenous Peoples" Mad At Dead Italian Explorer

According to an article on www.reuters.com by Keith Coffman, a handful of American Indians decided to display their outrage at a century-old peaceful demonstration in Denver by getting themselves arrested for disrupting it. Their apparent spokesman, an "Indian Activist" named Russell Means, claims that Christopher Columbus is personally responsible for a legacy of genocide, slavery, occupation, and death. Oh, yeah, and he's the bogeyman. Those are pretty serious charges, one has to admit, but I understand Columbus is guilty of a few other things, as well. For example, he is directly responsible for the spread of Christianity, capitalism, and for opening up the globe for exploration! Egad! Why hasn't someone dug him up and tossed his dusty bones in jail? On a side note, I noticed that the Ottawa Tribal Office here in my little corner of Oklahoma will be closed for Columbus day, and of course they'll all be in church this morning, but I'm pretty sure I heard their Casino will be open for business tomorrow. Still, I'm sure they're just as outraged at the destruction of their homeland as Mr. Mean. I'm sure they're all mad as hell that the discovery of the Americas by evil Europeans led to the rise of the most powerful, influential, democratic, and economically vibrant nation in the world in which the people are guaranteed the right to protest. Who could doubt the hatred they have in their hearts for Christopher Columbus as they leave the Baptist Church parking lot in their new gas-guzzling, polluting Hummers to get a buffalo burger at that little diner on Main Street that's run by "the white man." No doubt the many Indian casinos around the area are designed to give us a better understanding of their culture and the profits will be used to build sturdier wigwams and save the endangered..um...pidgeon. I'm sure they see no irony in hating Columbus at the same time they go on the line to price their next trip to Italy. Oh, well. Despite all of the "bad" that was done by Columbus, I'm still a grateful American, so until some boob changes Columbus, Ohio to Indigenouspeoplestown, Ohio, I'm still going to celebrate. How about you?
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Joe Lieberman: Recovering Democrat

Thursday, July 26, 2007
Peruvian Children Die As Global Warming Causes Deadly Cold Snap

I wonder if Algore has heard about this one. According to the BBC, http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/6916717.stm, "At least 70 children have died during a spell of freezing weather in the Andean regions of Peru." That's right, folks, freezing temperatures in South America are killing people. According to this article, this is taking place up in the Andes, so some of you might be thinking, "hey, it's the mountains, it gets pretty cold there." Not so fast. The article goes on to say that, "Even low-lying jungle regions are facing unusually cold weather, with temperatures dropping to 10C (50F). " Yep, 50 degrees in the jungle! Okay, you global warming kooks out there, show me how a deadly cold snap in South America that is supposed to last through September is caused by man-made global warming. Explain to me how my car and my wife's minivan and our carbon footprint is giving small children in Peru pneumonia. I can already hear you, "Well, Mr. Johnson, you arrogant, bombastic, capitalist pig, it has to do with extreme 'climate change.' All of the carbon dioxide humans like yourself spew into the atmosphere is shaking things up so badly that poor old Mother Nature doesn't know what to do! There's a balance, Mr. Johnson, and you aren't doing your part. That's why those poor third world kids are dying." Does that about sum it up? You people are so quick to believe in global warming because of the guilt that Algore and the doom-and-gloom media tell you that you should be feeling thanks to human progress! You expect me to feel guilt for my carbon footprint? Let me tell you a little secret. Shhhhh.... let me whisper it in your ear. HUMAN BEINGS BREATH OXYGEN AND EXHALE CARBON DIOXIDE! THAT"S HOW RESPIRATION WORKS! AND THE TREES ACTUALLY NEED IT TO LIVE! MY EXHALING IS NOT KILLING THE PLANET, YOU STUPID MOOKS! So go to Hell. When you get there, you may experience a little warming, but don't blame it on the rest of us.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Closed Due To Flood
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Religion of Peace Rejoyces Over Bombings

Monday, June 25, 2007
Crazy Venezuelan Bastard Prepares For War With Uninterested Super Power

Sunday, June 17, 2007
Refusing to Assimilate

Surprise, surprise. Someone suggests a way to make it easier for Spanish speaking immigrants to assimilate, and the "Latin Community" gets angry. According to foxnews.com, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger was quoted Wednesday night at the annual convention of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists as saying, "You've got to turn off the Spanish television set...You're just forced to speak English, and that just makes you learn the language faster." He was attacked, of course, by California Democrats and special interest groups, being called "ignorant" and "naive," because, as a spokesperson for Univision, a U.S.-based Spanish-language television network put it, "Spanish-language media helps Hispanics stay connected to their cultural heritage and important public information." Yeah, and puts money in the pockets of...Univision. All of this talk about staying connected to heritage is crap, folks. Look, the Italian and Jewish immigrants of days gone by had no problem staying connected to their heritage despite the lack of Italian or Yiddish programming on the air. In fact, because they didn't have a crutch like a TV station broadcasting in their native tongue, they and their children learned the English language and flourished within a generation. That's part of the reason we don't have street signs and billboards in German, or Polish, or Gaelic. I don't know about you, but if i were to move to Russia, I would not get upset because I couldn't get the local weather broadcast in English. Here's another response reported by Fox: "Francisco Hernandez, an immigration attorney, said there’s nothing wrong with encouraging immigrants to learn English but there’s no need for 'immigrant bashing... We have to remember that Spanish is part of this country’s heritage. There’s nothing wrong with it.'" What a load of crap. Sure, maybe if you go all the way back to 1492, but this isn't about Columbus or the Alamo, this is about being a strong nation united by it's borders, language, and national identity. I have no patience for anyone who tells me that people marching in the streets with Mexican flags and shouting protests in Spanish are just trying to "connect with their heritage." Schwarzenegger critics say that enough isn't done by the government to help immigrants learn English, but I say it's not the government's job to help you learn English, it's the immigrants' responsibility. People from all over the globe come to this country, learn to speak English without the aid of government, and prosper by assimilating into the dominant culture without losing their sense of pride in their own distinct heritage, but by embracing American heritage. Everyone else gets it. Why do Spanish-speaking immigrants feel they should get special treatment? Because they choose not to assimilate. I say leave Arnold alone. After all, he's an immigrant, too, remember?
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Google Search George Carlin Immigration Gas Iraq Chain Letter Hoax

Friday, June 8, 2007
The Battle For Jericho Is Over!

Monday, June 4, 2007
CBS Execs Loose Their Damn Minds, Cancel Only Great Show

Saturday, June 2, 2007
Tell Your Congressman

Friday, May 25, 2007
Holy Crap! Algore Is Right!

Holy crap! Algore said something I actually agree with! According to Breitbart.com, he was quoted as saying, "What is it about our collective decision-making process that has led us to this state of affairs where we spend much more time in the public forum talking about -- or receiving information about -- Britney Spears shaving her head or Paris Hilton going to jail?" Well...he's right. Of course, anyone who knows me knows I think global warming is a bunch of crap, so this one instance is probably the only time the former Veep and I will see eye to eye, but I have to give him credit for this one, especially since MTV and Hollywood are what got him and Clinton into the White House. Mind you, he brought this up at his own big-time celebrity book signing in New York, where he was given the Hollywood treatment himself, but at least he's not lost sight of, in his words, "[the] destruction of the boundary between news and entertainment." I mean, here we are in the middle of a war, and people care more about what Rosie O'Dumbass and Elizabeth Hasslebroad think than what's actually going on in Iraq. Ground-breaking abortion legislation goes through in Oklahoma, but most people are busy googling Paris Hilton, not writing their state representatives. When I turn on the radio, I don't want to hear about Mel the jew-hating Gibson, KKKramer, or Anna Nicole's dead body. I don't care how many squares of toilet paper Sheryl Crow uses, and I don't care if Britney Spears is communicating with beings on Mars. Algore may be wrong about global warming, but he's right about America's addiction to these circus freaks we call "celebrities." Then again, it looks like he's on his way to joining them.
Honor Them

Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Loose Lips Sink Ships

Sunday, May 20, 2007
Tin Ear? It's Called "Resolve."

The Speaker of the Blouse is at it again. According to an article on breitbart.com, Speaker Pelosi accused the president of having selective hearing by saying he has a "tin ear." I suppose she's upset because the president refused to compromise, and I could understand that if we were talking about anything other than the war. In war, there can be no compromise, you either win or you lose. Compromise in warfare would be like saying, "hey, I tell you what, we'll only kill you on Tuesdays and Thursdays if you promise not to use soccer balls and baby dolls as bombs." Yeah, right. Wanna shake on it? Anyway, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell gets it. "Look," he said, "we need to have a compromise if we want to get the job done before Memorial Day. We know how to get there. It's to take out the surrender date. Any kind of reasonable benchmarks on the Iraqi government I think are going to have broad bipartisan support. That's clearly the way to get there." You see? By "compromise," he means, "we get what we want, and you get hosed." I'm sick of hearing about compromise. We didn't compromise with Adolf Hitler. We didn't make a deal with Hirohito. We didn't "come to terms" with dictators the way the Speaker would like to do. No. We bombed them until they gave us an unconditional surrender. This is a problem for Pelosi, who says "when it comes to the war in Iraq, the president has a tin ear. He just cannot hear, except that which he wants to hear on it." That's because, Madame Speaker, he is the Commander in Chief of our armed services and he's trying to wage war on a deadly enemy! If she gets her way, all the enemy has to do is go underground, mark our surrender on their calenders, and wait. The president knows this, and, since it is his duty to win this war, he rejects any planned withdrawal date. That's not selective hearing, it's resolve. He refuses to lead by public opinion polls, and that's called having the courage of his convictions. I, for one, don't want a "deal." I want victory. Then again, my hearing's pretty bad, too.
Friday, May 18, 2007
George Carlin Calls Chain Letter Hoax " just plain stupid"

Once and for all, folks, George Carlin is not the author of the chain letter your friends keep sending you. Don't believe me? Go to his website and see for yourself. Go on, I'll wait right here, the link is below.
See? Told you so. I kind of suspected it from the start, back when a friend of mine sent me one of these chain letters attributed to Mr. Carlin, and I expressed my doubt in a post from back on Wednesday, March 21, 2007, although I think the author had a valid point about a clear path to citizenship. What I didn't know was that there are other "statements" attributed to good old George. Along with gas and Mexicans, he is also listed as the author of "Paradox of our Time," "I'm A Bad American," and "Katrina Hurricane Rules." So how does he feel about being "emulated" in this way? Carlin says on his website, "because most of this stuff is really lame, it's embarrassing to see my name on it." So, the question is, why, if this person feels so strongly about these issues, don;t they put their own name on these articles, or essays, or whatever they are meant to be? I think it falls under the same category as "ass-covering." When you say something that is politically and socially charged as "send all Mexican immigrants to Iraq," you may not get the glowing support of the PC police, but if you say George Carlin said it, well, hey, you're just quoting a source, right? The problem is, Carlin then has to cover his own ass by denying it, because he doesn't need Al Sharpton breathing down his neck like a dragon in heat, so now your message is lost in the world of Internet controversy and no one even remembers what the point was. Anyway, here's my question for all of you people out there who keep googling this topic; do you agree or disagree with the author, and if so, why? I really want to know, because nine out of ten of you have come here because of that topic, not because of my global warming posts, or presidential politics. E-mail me at achristensenjohnson@hotmail.com and tell me what you think of this hoax and its' message and let's have an honest debate. And don't worry, if you post a comment as George Carlin, I promise i won't "out" you...I'll let George do that.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Don't You Believe It!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Nevermind Harry, Send Shaun

Monday, May 14, 2007
Prince Harry To Star In War-Time Reality Show...Fergie Pissed!

Well, it was bound to happen. We all knew sending a member of the Royal family into a battlefield could get him shot. I just didn't expect it to be from a camera crew. Yes, the gallant Prince will have his own reality television show, forever capturing on film the true strength of the British nobles and their people. Some say this could make things even more dangerous for the prince...after all, terrorists are already placing bets on who will be the first to cut off a royal body part, but Harry's more annoyed by the attention than worried about his appendages. He says he's just there to fight, and judging by the picture to the left, I'd have to say I believe him. He looks more like Dirty Harry than Prince Harry. Still, I hope Harry lets the cameras roll, because it would be nice to see the royals in a flattering light again. Every time you hear about a member of the royal family, it's always something like, "Charles is having an affair," or, "the Duke of Windsor wears a dress, " or, "the prince dressed up like Hitler for Halloween." Ever since Charles and Diana split up, I felt so embarrassed for these people, and I'm not even English! So, lead your soldiers into battle, good prince, like kings of yore, and let the cameras catch all of the glory. After all, I like you Brits, but you could frankly use a little good PR, for a change. Besides, most everyone is tired of seeing pictures of Fergie on the tabloids...except for me...I think the Duchess looks pretty terrific after losing all of that weight.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
The Preventive Defense Project

You know, I used to chuckle at the people who stockpiled bottled water and built panic rooms back in 1999. Remember the big Y2K scare? It seemed so ridiculous, every one being so panicked about a simple computer error, at least to me. Well, I've changed my mind after watching the CBS television show Jericho, and it looks like the government has been watching, too. I've learned from an article in the San Francisco Chronicle that there is, indeed, a deep feeling of concern by government and military officials that Americans should plan for chaos. On Jericho, almost every single major American city (and some minor ones) is obliterated by a nuclear explosion. Even if you haven't seen the program, I'm sure you can imagine the impact after considering what happened in the wake of hurricane Katrina and 9/11. This nonpartisan, joint Stanford-Harvard program, called "the Preventative Defense Project," isn't so much a plan for "prevention," or even "defense," despite the fact that retired Vice Adm. Roger Rufe of Homeland Security is involved. It seem to me to be more of a "clean-up and contain" plan. The phrases that stuck out in the article were "restoring calm," "how to act even if transportation and communication systems break down," and "restrict civil liberties and enforce a sort of martial law." Well....okay. Sure, I guess any plan is better than no plan. Besides, the boys in Washington have done a pretty good job of preventing attacks so far... Anyway, the point is, at least they're thinking. An ounce of prevention was just what we needed in New Orleans, as far as evacuation goes, but the city was still laid to waste, so I guess it's a good idea to have a plan for "The Day After." Katrina survivors will remember that, bizarre as it was to go to the local Winn Dixie to buy some groceries and to be met at the doors by armed soldiers, it was also a relief. Just being able to drive down the street again and see a traffic cop waving you slowly on past the crew restoring the power lines gave you confidence. Imagine, if you will, a nuclear device has been detonated in downtown Tulsa, and the survivors have no roads in or out, no food, no drinkable water, no source of reliable information, and no security. Words like "across the bridge" and "three blocks away" no longer have meaning anymore, because all landmarks have been vaporized. Well...I don't know about you, but I'd be begging for martial law. In the meantime, though, I would like to apologise to all of you Y2K kooks. I'm going o Wal-Mart to stock up on soup, water, and toilet paper. See y'all in the cellar.