3,415 service members have died so far in Operation Iraqi Freedom. 47,424 died in Viet Nam. 33,741 died in Korea. This weekend, we honor those who have fought and are fighting for our country, most of them just kids when their nation called on them, many of them grandfathers now, and so many who have fallen. I'm not going to go into a big rant about why we need to be in Iraq or Afghanistan today, because that isn't what this weekend is for. Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, and Airmen are not asked what they think about doing their job, they just do it, and they do it well. Be proud of them, even if you think Viet Nam was wrong, even if you think the South will rise again, everyone owes these brave men and women a debt of gratitude, or at the very least, a great deal of respect. So, no debate for me this weekend, I don't care how you feel about the war. To every service member, past, present, and future, I say, "thank-you, and God bless America."
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