I wonder if Algore has heard about this one. According to the BBC, http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/6916717.stm, "At least 70 children have died during a spell of freezing weather in the Andean regions of Peru." That's right, folks, freezing temperatures in South America are killing people. According to this article, this is taking place up in the Andes, so some of you might be thinking, "hey, it's the mountains, it gets pretty cold there." Not so fast. The article goes on to say that, "Even low-lying jungle regions are facing unusually cold weather, with temperatures dropping to 10C (50F). " Yep, 50 degrees in the jungle! Okay, you global warming kooks out there, show me how a deadly cold snap in South America that is supposed to last through September is caused by man-made global warming. Explain to me how my car and my wife's minivan and our carbon footprint is giving small children in Peru pneumonia. I can already hear you, "Well, Mr. Johnson, you arrogant, bombastic, capitalist pig, it has to do with extreme 'climate change.' All of the carbon dioxide humans like yourself spew into the atmosphere is shaking things up so badly that poor old Mother Nature doesn't know what to do! There's a balance, Mr. Johnson, and you aren't doing your part. That's why those poor third world kids are dying." Does that about sum it up? You people are so quick to believe in global warming because of the guilt that Algore and the doom-and-gloom media tell you that you should be feeling thanks to human progress! You expect me to feel guilt for my carbon footprint? Let me tell you a little secret. Shhhhh.... let me whisper it in your ear. HUMAN BEINGS BREATH OXYGEN AND EXHALE CARBON DIOXIDE! THAT"S HOW RESPIRATION WORKS! AND THE TREES ACTUALLY NEED IT TO LIVE! MY EXHALING IS NOT KILLING THE PLANET, YOU STUPID MOOKS! So go to Hell. When you get there, you may experience a little warming, but don't blame it on the rest of us.
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