Hugo Chavez, the Mussolini of South America, is preparing for a war with the U.S., according to a story from worldnetdaily.com. He got all dressed up like G.I. Joe and told his soldiers, "We must continue developing the resistance war, that's the anti- imperialist weapon. We must think and prepare for the resistance war everyday." The funny thing to me is, this guy thinks we care. Look at this guy. I'd be more threatened if I saw Mr. Potatohead wearing a red Beret. Come on, Hugo, this really is a bit like an ant gearing up for war against an Elephant. Until he called our president the devil, I never gave him a second thought, did you? If I did, it was something like, "Venezuela? Who the hell cares about Venezuela?" Anyway, this twerp apparently thinks we care enough about them to attack them, because Venezuela just bought up a whole mess of junky old Russian weapons for $3 billion dollars ("is bargain, comrade, Buy 100,000 Kalashnikov rifles, get 1 SU-30 Sukhoi fighter jet free!") . Chavez was quoted as saying, "The American empire is doing all it can to consolidate its system of domination. And we cannot allow them to do that. We cannot allow world dictatorship to be consolidated." This coming from a guy who tells his citizens what T.V. channels they can watch. Pot, meet kettle. Listen, Venezuela, America is NOT coming to kill you, trust me. In fact, we're going to start burning our food in our gas tanks so that we don't even need your oil, okay? That Castro-loving crazy needs a good kick in the pants, but not from America, from his own people. Unless he was harboring Osama ben Laden. Then it would be his ass.
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