I know most of you who find this site are not what you'd call "regular readers," so I'll just go ahead and make it known right now. I think global warming is a load of crap. There. Now that we have that out of the way, you can either go back to google and find people you already agree with, or you can stick around and learn. In all of my posts, I have tried to educate you lemmings about the global hoax known as "climate change," and I always think I've presented the most insane scare tactics conceivable, but this one takes the cake. According to metro.co.uk, we only have FIVE YEARS to save the Earth. That's right, if we don't get Johnny Appleseed out globetrotting with his seeds by noon tomorrow, we're all going to fry. A source in this article, James Leape, WWF Internationals' Director General, was quoted as saying, "We have a small window of time in which we can plant the seeds of change, and that is the next five years. We cannot afford to waste them. " Okay. Go back to my post from Sunday, March 11, 2007. I told you about an article in the Toronto Sun by Lorrie Goldstein which explains that even if we planted a grove of trees the size of Alaska, they wouldn't absorb the carbon output of the passengers on one coast to coast flight for 50 years! Well, folks, if we only have five years left, we're already screwed! Look, this is just another scare tactic designed to get every one to accept the carbon taxes government wants to levy. They do this all the time. Think of all of the sci-fi movies that have come out predicting that the world would be a wasteland by 1995. Remember the Mad Max movies? Remember Waterworld? Science fiction is fun, folks, but that's all the theory of global warming is, it's science fiction. Go to realclimate.com, and you'll read the threads of these scientists who, for the most part, earnestly believe that global warming is happening, but keep arguing over what the data actually means. They think they have the answer, they just don't know why, and they can't prove anything. I've done my own modest research, and from what I gather, sometimes the earth is cold, and sometimes the earth is warm, and there's an apparent cycle to it. Maybe you've heard of Orbital forcing, maybe you haven't...but I'll bet you've heard of Summer and Winter. But listen, even if I'm wrong, it doesn't matter. We didn't create the earth, and we certainly can't destroy it. Only God can do that. If and when he decides to, well...you think planting trees and using ethanol is gonna stop him? Don't you believe it.
Happy anniversary honey!:)
Looks like Obama is bringing Al Gore onboard. Bring on the Carbon Taxes!
Man Made global warming is the biggest scam ever invented and the media play an important role in it with their brainwashing of the masses
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