Once and for all, folks, George Carlin is not the author of the chain letter your friends keep sending you. Don't believe me? Go to his website and see for yourself. Go on, I'll wait right here, the link is below.
See? Told you so. I kind of suspected it from the start, back when a friend of mine sent me one of these chain letters attributed to Mr. Carlin, and I expressed my doubt in a post from back on Wednesday, March 21, 2007, although I think the author had a valid point about a clear path to citizenship. What I didn't know was that there are other "statements" attributed to good old George. Along with gas and Mexicans, he is also listed as the author of "Paradox of our Time," "I'm A Bad American," and "Katrina Hurricane Rules." So how does he feel about being "emulated" in this way? Carlin says on his website, "because most of this stuff is really lame, it's embarrassing to see my name on it." So, the question is, why, if this person feels so strongly about these issues, don;t they put their own name on these articles, or essays, or whatever they are meant to be? I think it falls under the same category as "ass-covering." When you say something that is politically and socially charged as "send all Mexican immigrants to Iraq," you may not get the glowing support of the PC police, but if you say George Carlin said it, well, hey, you're just quoting a source, right? The problem is, Carlin then has to cover his own ass by denying it, because he doesn't need Al Sharpton breathing down his neck like a dragon in heat, so now your message is lost in the world of Internet controversy and no one even remembers what the point was. Anyway, here's my question for all of you people out there who keep googling this topic; do you agree or disagree with the author, and if so, why? I really want to know, because nine out of ten of you have come here because of that topic, not because of my global warming posts, or presidential politics. E-mail me at achristensenjohnson@hotmail.com and tell me what you think of this hoax and its' message and let's have an honest debate. And don't worry, if you post a comment as George Carlin, I promise i won't "out" you...I'll let George do that.
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