The Speaker of the Blouse is at it again. According to an article on breitbart.com, Speaker Pelosi accused the president of having selective hearing by saying he has a "tin ear." I suppose she's upset because the president refused to compromise, and I could understand that if we were talking about anything other than the war. In war, there can be no compromise, you either win or you lose. Compromise in warfare would be like saying, "hey, I tell you what, we'll only kill you on Tuesdays and Thursdays if you promise not to use soccer balls and baby dolls as bombs." Yeah, right. Wanna shake on it? Anyway, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell gets it. "Look," he said, "we need to have a compromise if we want to get the job done before Memorial Day. We know how to get there. It's to take out the surrender date. Any kind of reasonable benchmarks on the Iraqi government I think are going to have broad bipartisan support. That's clearly the way to get there." You see? By "compromise," he means, "we get what we want, and you get hosed." I'm sick of hearing about compromise. We didn't compromise with Adolf Hitler. We didn't make a deal with Hirohito. We didn't "come to terms" with dictators the way the Speaker would like to do. No. We bombed them until they gave us an unconditional surrender. This is a problem for Pelosi, who says "when it comes to the war in Iraq, the president has a tin ear. He just cannot hear, except that which he wants to hear on it." That's because, Madame Speaker, he is the Commander in Chief of our armed services and he's trying to wage war on a deadly enemy! If she gets her way, all the enemy has to do is go underground, mark our surrender on their calenders, and wait. The president knows this, and, since it is his duty to win this war, he rejects any planned withdrawal date. That's not selective hearing, it's resolve. He refuses to lead by public opinion polls, and that's called having the courage of his convictions. I, for one, don't want a "deal." I want victory. Then again, my hearing's pretty bad, too.
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