I was talking with a gentleman the other day who seems to think Hillary Clinton will become our nation's next president, and I was interested to know why. "Well," the man said, "just look at the '90s...every thing was going great when Bill and Hillary were running things. I told him I thought he might be viewing the "good ole days" through rose-colored lenses, but I don't think he was listening, so I figured I'd provide some visual aids. Let's see, there was Waco...remember how well that went? Talk about bringing people to
Lemme think...um...oh, yeah, thanks to the way the Clinton administration handled Waco and Ruby Ridge, Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols decided to drive a Ryder truck with 5,000 pounds of explosives into the Alfred P.
Murrah Federal Building, thus causing the deaths of 168 people and injuring 800 more. The slogan on McVeigh's t-shirt was
Sic semper tyrannis. Boy, those
Clintons sure do inspire feelings of patriotism and foster a certain kind of trust in government, don't they?
I know, I know, you're probably thinking, "come on, buddy, you can't really be blaming the Clintons for the actions of a few nut jobs!" Well...no...I guess not. Janet Reno, however....maybe. And who put her at the head of the Department of Justice?
Oh, I almost forgot! The Battle of Mogadishu in 1993! This is where Osama ben Laden got the idea that America was just a pushover, a paper tiger. Judging by the events that followed the crash of two of our MH-60 Blackhawks, ben Laden decided Americans just don't have the stomach for war, at least not for very long. We lost just under 20 of our brave troops to a horde of brutal thugs (many more were injured)...funny though, when George Bush began it, it was to provide humanitarian aid. When the Clintons took over, Operation Provide Relief morphed into Operation Gothic Serpent, a nation-building mission. However, since it didn't go so smoothly, co-presidents Bill and Hillary Clinton decided we should tuck our tails and run.

I could mention some other fond memories of the "Decade of Clinton," things like
Filegate, Whitewater, you know, but those facts seem to
bore people. Let me dig down here in my memory bag, and...ah, there it is....MONICA! "I did not have sex with that woman. I did not lie to a Federal Judge. I did not bomb Iraq to get people's minds off of me not having sex with that woman." Oh, wait
he did do all of that! Some of you don't think it was a big deal...at least not the sex part. Okay, but committing perjury?
C'mon. Defend that one.

Then, of course, there was little Elian. Forgot about him, didn't you? Did you also forget about the Federal agent pointing a machine gun at his head? Did you forget that a government SWAT team broke down the door to get a little boy staying with family so they could drag him back to Communist Cuba and Papa Fidel? Up until then, I was under the impression that the United States of America, even under a Democrat-run administration, promoted freedom and welcomed with open arms those fleeing tyrannical communist regimes. I guess little Elian is the only immigrant Democrats don't like.

I'll leave you with this image. The destroyer USS Cole, just three years old, roughly. Notice the
gaping hole in its' side? Al
Qaeda did that. Just a couple of guys in a rubber raft with a deep hatred for America, really. What did we do about it under the Clinton administration? Well...we offered a
reward! Wowee, nothing says "don't tread on me" like a $5 million reward! Personally, I would have preferred a more Bush-like approach. But that's the 90s folks, the stuff you didn't want to remember about the Clinton years. Are you still excited at the thought of having Bill and Hillary Clinton running the country again? That's kind of what I thought.
1 comment:
There you go, clouding the issue with facts again...
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