Well. I knew that people had strong feelings about illegal immigration, but I had no idea that a stupid chain letter would get everyone so worked up. Lots of you have been coming here looking for George Carlin's opinion on illegal immigration, saving gas, and the war on Iraq, and I tried to clear things up, but you still keep coming. Let me try again. GEORGE CARLIN DID NOT WRITE THAT CHAIN LETTER ABOUT SAVING GAS BY DRAFTING MEXICANS INTO OUR ARMY! Loud enough for you? Here, once again, in case you missed it, is George Carlin's address. You can go to his site and ask him yourself. http://www.georgecarlin.com/home/home.html I hope that settles it. All I was saying was the author of the hoax had a point about a clear path toward citizenship. I do not advocate shipping Mexicans over to Iraq for the purpose of getting them killed to save us a buck on fuel. Jeez! Didn't any of you read past the text of the chain letter? This is not a new problem, folks, it's been going on for generations in this country. Did you know there was a time in American history when it was worse to be an Irish immigrant in New Orleans than a black man? True story. The shopkeepers would have signs in the windows that read, "Help Wanted: No Irish Need Apply." They had to form their own city, which is now the Irish Channel near the Garden District. The same thing happened with the Italians when they came here. We almost went to war with Italy because Italian immigrants were tried for murdering New Orleans police chief Hennessey. No racial or ethnic group has the patent on persecution, folks, heck, even the pilgrims were running from something. My point is this: If you want to come to America to find a better life for yourself, I applaud you, but you have to do it legally. One way we could make it easier is by offering service in our military as one path towards citizenship. If you are willing to die for this country, that shows a dedication some natural born citizens just don't have. Once again, I do not suggest that we round up all illegal immigrants and draft them, not even if gas prices go to $5 a gallon. I was just suggesting an alternative the the present situation, which is clearly not working. As to the author of the George Carlin chain letter hoax, I can't speak for that person, but if you agree with them, don't come to me. Tell your congressman.
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