The theme for what was to be Jericho's last episode on CBS was, "if you value it, fight for it, and never give up." In a one word answer to a threat, Jake Green quotes a WWII general by telling the enemy, "NUTS!" In keeping with the spirit of this bold answer, when CBS announced Jericho would be cancelled, fans sent not just letters and e-mails, but...nuts. Thousands of them. We fans fought hard to get Jericho back, and finally won, but, CBS warns, it's our job as loyal fans to recruit more viewers. The quote from the official statement reads, "We will count on you to rally around the show, to recruit new viewers with the same grass-roots energy, intensity and volume you have displayed in recent weeks." Ok, fine, I'll tell my friends, but I thought it was networks that are responsible for advertising and promoting. CBS seemed truly awed and humbled by their collective dismissal of the loyalty and passion of the Jericho fan base in the opening to the statement, which starts, "Wow! Over the past few weeks you have put forth an impressive and probably unprecedented display of passion in support of a prime time television series. You got our attention; your emails and collective voice have been heard. As a result, CBS has ordered seven episodes of “Jericho” for mid-season next year. In success, there is the potential for more. But, for there to be more “Jericho,” we will need more viewers." Ok, thanks for listening to your viewers, for bringing back our favorite show. Here's how you get some buzz. Get Katie Couric to report on the "Save Jericho" campaign and show those who aren't watching just how loyal the fan base is, what we did, the response, and show them all of those nuts! People watching the news will say to themselves, "Huh. I can't believe the fans did all of that. That show must be pretty good, I'll have to check out the re-runs this summer. Of course, I'm no Madison Avenue Ad Man, but I think it could work. In the meantime, my thanks to CBS and my fellow fans who brought Jericho back to life. If you're not watching, you should. If you believe in America, in self-reliance, in fighting for what you believe in, and good television, you will love Jericho. If you believe in none of those things, tune in, and maybe you will begin to believe.
Thank you for the great article. Hopefully we should have news soon as to air times for reruns. Everyone please watch...it's a great show.
Long Live Jericho
I wanted to let you know that YouChoose also has an active petition to Save Jericho. We also allow signers to create their own personal page in support of the show. As we are the first social network to combine networking with activism, we would appreciate your support and a change in your link to our petition, due to mass number of signers in the petition we are please to inform u that Jericho is back, this time we would like to express of thank to CBS and producer of Jericho by signing this petition on
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