Here's the headline for "The Blotter" at abcnews.com:
"Bush Authorizes New Covert Action Against Iran"
Do you see what's wrong with this?
This would never have happened back in 1941, folks. For some reason, in this age of instant information and reality T.V. shows, people think we have the right to know everything, and know it now. Apparently, journalists leave their scruples in the dorm room when they graduate, because I can see no reason for reporting on the world wide web that "The CIA has received secret presidential approval to mount a covert "black" operation to destabilize the Iranian government..." Does ABC News believe that the government of Iran has not yet discovered that a thing called "the Internet" exist and that the information on it is free and easy to obtain, unlike classified national security intelligence? What the hell is going on here, people, what eve happened to the words "top secret?" For crying out loud, the Iranian government doesn't even need spies, all they have to do is go to the front door and pick up the morning newspaper! ABC News is one of those organisations that is constantly reminding us how awful war is, and yet here they are reporting on intelligence that could cause an international incident! Aaaarrgh! Why don't they just change the name to the Al-Jazzira Broadcasting Company and be done with it? Even if you are against the war, any war, why would you feel compelled to put American lives in jeopardy by reporting this stuff? ABC goes on to say that "Still, some fear that even a nonlethal covert CIA program carries great risks." Gee. You think so? Maybe that's why it was supposed to be a SECRET, you JACKASSES! There used to be a saying in times of war; "Loose lips sink ships." It means, "keep your big mouth shut or you'll kill a thousand of our boys. Shame on you, ABC News. Freedom of the press is one thing, but irresponsibility in journalismis another.
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