Yeah, it's true. Sad to say, but Jericho will not have a season two. I don't think there has ever been a show on television that captured my attention so immediately and held it for so long, and if you were a kid like me, it's not hard to see why. I grew up during the Cold War, when the threat of global nuclear war was always hovering over our heads, during the Iran hostage crisis, when, on the CBS evening news, I watched as young Arab radicals burned our flag and proclaimed America the Great Satan. The nation was still licking the wounds of Viet Nam, scared by an energy crisis, tired of losing economic ground to foreign countries, and angry at Jimmy Carter for telling us it was all our fault. If you grew up in these times, too, you probably know, as I know, that Jericho maybe fiction, but it's pretty close to being a prediction. Add to that a superior cast of actors and actresses, exceptional dialogue, realistic outcomes, and enough mystery to keep a person in suspense to the very point of screaming at the T.V., "Oh! I've got it! Hawkins is in league with the Chinese," and you have got a show that beats the tar out of 24 any day of the week. So why would CBS cancel such a show? Well...one angry viewer believes CBS is run by liberals who don't want to seem sympathetic to the president and the war on terror. Another suggests that it's part of a conspiracy. Some people blame CBS for pitting such a show against American Idol. I'm not in the mind of CBS execs, so I can't say why they cancelled it, but I can tell you this: NBC tried to cancel Quantum Leap and were met with scores of angry viewers holding signs that read, "Keep The Leap!" Not only did the show survive, it now lives on and does well on the SCI-Fi Network. Folks, let me tell you something. I've often said that we don't live in a democracy, we live in a republic, but this time the people really have a say. Here's what I want you to do. Don't just go to CBS and bitch, go to Proctor & Gamble, or Chase Manhattan, and tell them you want Jericho back. If they don't put the money back into Jericho, assure them they will loose money. Then make it happen. Normally, I'm against boycotts, but just this once, I'm willing to compromise to support good television. Jericho is the one show on Television that spoke to Americans without speaking down to them, and it had a huge future, not to mention a huge following and incredible social relevance. Save This show, people. It's more important than American Idol, and more important than you know.
CBS is getting/returning Jericho back on air. this is a good news on Jericho fans like me. please help me thank the Jericho producer and CBS for adhering to our needs by signing this peition.
i personally love the show Jericho on CBS, i am very happy this show on air back again! help me keep Jericho stay on air by signing the petition on Youchoose. this is to let CBS know were always tuned in the show.. check it out and tell everybody YouChoose.
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