Algore was awarded the Nobel peace prize today for his commitment to teaching people that we're all going to die in a few short years and it's all our fault because we live and breathe. Some people say the award is really for his award-winning documentary, "An Inconvenient Truth," which, ironically, is filled with "serious scientific inaccuracies, political propaganda and sentimental mush," according to British High Court judge Michael Burton (as reported by WorldNetDaily.com). Either way, all I can say is, at least they didn't give him the Nobel prize for science. If he were so worried about hot air, he'd shut his yap, that's all. Kids are loosing sleep because they think the SUV mommie drives them to school in is destroying the earth and killing polar bears thanks to this buffoon! Nobel prize for peace? He deserves a swift kick in the pants! Here's a guy who says the very act of human respiration-inhaling oxygen and emitting carbon dioxide, for those of you who forgot your 3rd grade science book, is going to turn the Earth into a giant fireball. Do you believe him? Then why do you talk to your plants? Here's the problem. For the most part, people are good and want to feel they are doing their part to make the world a better place. For a lot of people, just saying there is a problem is enough to atone for their perceived part in it. Some folks even go so far as to make sure they use the least amount of toilet paper possible to save trees. Some, however, feel the need to make preachy movies about junk science to scare the hell out of people and guilt them into accepting bigger government and useless carbon taxes. They just have to believe it, they have to....because if they listened to people like Dr. William Grey, a leading hurricane forecaster, they'd feel like boobs. Doesn't feel very good to learn you've been duped by a failed politician turned pseudo-scientist...it's easier to believe the lie. So, today Algore the Alarmist is celebrated, because he cares. Too bad someone who is actually doing something to secure peace didn't win. You know, someone like General Petraeus.
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