"Floating around the Internet these days, posted and e-mailed back and forth, are a number of writings attributed to me, and I want people to know they're not mine. Don't blame me. " Read it at http://georgecarlin.com/home/home.html You know, about 75% of the traffic I receive is about this chain letter hoax. Some people come here to read my thoughts on Pelosi and the Logan Act, one or two have been here to read about the Wallonia BBQ Tax hoax, and every now and then, someone pops by to read about the Anbar Awakening. All worthy topics, mind you, but the amount of energy people put into the George Carlin chain letter hoax on saving gas by drafting all illegals into the army is astounding. Who actually wrote it? No one knows. If this is such a great idea, though, why didn't the author of this rant take credit for it? Easy. If Joe Blow says something as heated as, "The best way to stop Using so much gas is to deport 11 million illegal immigrants," who's going to listen? It would probably end in a bar fight, and that would be the end of it. However, if you credit it to a famous comedian, suddenly your message has weight! Send it around as an e-mail chain letter, and your idea has become a phenomenon. And if people challenge the idea as being racist or offensive, well, you can always blame Carlin and say, "Hey, it was only a joke!" Whatever the intent of the author, he or she succeeded in getting a lot of attention, especially George Carlin's. By remaining anonymous, the hoaxer has created an explosion of searches on Google, which means the message is getting around. Personally, while I think the chain letter is extreme in tone and principle, I do believe offering military service as a path to citizenship is a good idea. Obviously, a lot of people agree with that. I say what you should be doing, instead of Googling the chain letter, is e-mailing your congressman. But if you want to read the letter, it can be found in my post for Wednesday, March 21, 2007 in my archives. There. Now your Google search is over. You're welcome.
1 comment:
"In all honesty, I just thought it was funny. I do agree with the fact that we are fighting a war that shouldn’t be fought. And that there are so many buttheads out there that that kept this asswipe in office for 8 years."
"I believe that if people do want to come to our country they should learn our language, ENGLISH and learn our way of life. NOT try to change the surroundings to accommodate their people. If they want it to be so much like their native country, why did they leave in the first place." Jigantny@bellsouth.net
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