Friends, enemies, and neighbors, the vice-president is right. We must decide, or die. It is as simple today as it was in 1941, kill or be killed, the enemy is coming and is willing to die, and if you are not, than you and your nation will perish. Look, I know war is uncomfortable even when you have the luxury of viewing it from your couch, and no one is glad that American men and women are dying, but when you are in a war, you have to choose reinforcements over retreat. You have to let the enemy know you will continue to kill them entil they are dead or give up, not tell them you'll only fight until Thursday next week at 3:30 PM. The equation looks like this: The Desire To Live + The Resources to Fight x Support From Home -Crazy People Who Want You Dead = Victory. The enemy is here, and they mean to kill everyone of us that disagrees with them. There's good news, though, if you can see it through all of the doom and gloom media coverage. The surge is working. Our largest adversary is in hiding, saying he won't fight; The Curds in the north are coming to help fight the insurgency; The Iraqis are getting the training and support they need from us; our military is willing to complete the mission if we are willing to let them. The war is actually going well, so choose wisely which parts of the equation you're willing to remove.
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