Speaker Pelosi, you may want to stick your fingers in your ears for this one. You too, ABC, NBC, CNN, and CBS. Ready? Okay. Great News, the war is going well! In a story by the Associated Press, Tod Pitman reported today that Sheik Abdul Sattar al-Rishawi, as well as 41 tribes, have broken with al-Qaida and have formed a new view in their minds of America and our mission in Iraq. It's called the Anbar Awakening, and it's taking place in what the mainstream media always reports as "one of the bloodiest places in Iraq today."
As it turns out, all of that bloodshed lead to a strange event; people got sick of dying and not being allowed to bury their dead. After all this time, the terrorist brainwashing of the Sunni tribes is melting away, and it's thanks goes to not just our valiant military personnel, but to (trumpet, please) our enemy that's been brainwashing everyone. "Hmmm," the locals thought, "The Americans who are supposed to be killing us and occupying us keep bringing Kit Kat bars and soccer balls...and al-Qaida keeps...killing...us..." Well, thank God they figured that one out in time before the Pelosis and Murthas could defund those Kit Kats, which, apparently, the Iraqi kids seem to love. I've heard Muqtada al-Sadr is a fan of chocolate, too, but I can't prove it, because he's in Iran, hiding from the troop surge democrats said would lead to more killing. That must've gotten the Sheiks thinking, too. Who's really got your back, al-Rishawi?
It should be noted that there is also a power struggle going on in the region between Shiite Iran's growing importance and the balance of the Sunni tribal influence, and that could greatly account for the 4,500 Sunni tribesmen who have joined the new police force. This is nothing new, of course, as we have known for some time that the Quds force from Iran has been involved in this civil war, and, as I've said, the terrorists are making it possible for us to win not just the war, but the hearts and minds of the Iraqis. How sad it is, then, that our representatives in the house would fill our emergency spending bill with a bunch of bribery and pork instead of the 1 billion dollars needed for the Pentagon to keep our troops fresh, equipped, and ready.
You see, the Democrats are operating their political strategy based on polls, not leadership. Everyone knows, however, that if the boss asks you if you'd like to work straight through Sunday or take off an hour early on Friday, most of us will choose to clock out and leave the job unfinished. That's why we have bosses, to make sure the work gets done and done right. Do most Americans want the war to be over? Do I? Sure, we do, but not if it means we lose, you fools! You cannot fight a war based on "the people have spoken" attitudes, because the people might vote for cake and ice cream when we really need Kevlar and translators. That's why George Bush was re-elected in 2004, that's why General David Patreas was chosen to lead the surge, and that's why we are a Republic, not a democracy, as many sheep will tell you we are. So, I guess it's a good thing that even if we don't trust our own judgement, at least Sheik Abdul Sattar al-Rishawi and the Iraqis do.
As it turns out, all of that bloodshed lead to a strange event; people got sick of dying and not being allowed to bury their dead. After all this time, the terrorist brainwashing of the Sunni tribes is melting away, and it's thanks goes to not just our valiant military personnel, but to (trumpet, please) our enemy that's been brainwashing everyone. "Hmmm," the locals thought, "The Americans who are supposed to be killing us and occupying us keep bringing Kit Kat bars and soccer balls...and al-Qaida keeps...killing...us..." Well, thank God they figured that one out in time before the Pelosis and Murthas could defund those Kit Kats, which, apparently, the Iraqi kids seem to love. I've heard Muqtada al-Sadr is a fan of chocolate, too, but I can't prove it, because he's in Iran, hiding from the troop surge democrats said would lead to more killing. That must've gotten the Sheiks thinking, too. Who's really got your back, al-Rishawi?
It should be noted that there is also a power struggle going on in the region between Shiite Iran's growing importance and the balance of the Sunni tribal influence, and that could greatly account for the 4,500 Sunni tribesmen who have joined the new police force. This is nothing new, of course, as we have known for some time that the Quds force from Iran has been involved in this civil war, and, as I've said, the terrorists are making it possible for us to win not just the war, but the hearts and minds of the Iraqis. How sad it is, then, that our representatives in the house would fill our emergency spending bill with a bunch of bribery and pork instead of the 1 billion dollars needed for the Pentagon to keep our troops fresh, equipped, and ready.
You see, the Democrats are operating their political strategy based on polls, not leadership. Everyone knows, however, that if the boss asks you if you'd like to work straight through Sunday or take off an hour early on Friday, most of us will choose to clock out and leave the job unfinished. That's why we have bosses, to make sure the work gets done and done right. Do most Americans want the war to be over? Do I? Sure, we do, but not if it means we lose, you fools! You cannot fight a war based on "the people have spoken" attitudes, because the people might vote for cake and ice cream when we really need Kevlar and translators. That's why George Bush was re-elected in 2004, that's why General David Patreas was chosen to lead the surge, and that's why we are a Republic, not a democracy, as many sheep will tell you we are. So, I guess it's a good thing that even if we don't trust our own judgement, at least Sheik Abdul Sattar al-Rishawi and the Iraqis do.
And so it spreads, lo, even unto chaotic Diyalah, where the Final Battle will occur, AQI and Iranpuppets altogether trying not to sink under the righteous wrath of Americans and Awakened Ones! Glory Be to Allah the Gods, and Malik Daoud!
Don't forget the British and Australians...they've got some righteous wrath, too.
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