Well, here goes another Democrat-lead snipe hunt, and this time, they're getting help...from Republicans! The Dems have been calling for anyone and everyone in George Bush's administrations' necks since November of 2000, and John Sununu said, "Here, let me show you how to tie the noose." Well, okay, what he actually said, according to Fox News, was, "I think the president should replace him...I think the attorney general should be fired." The New Hampshire senator must have been sucked into the political black hole that is Washington politics, because he is obviously not anywhere near planet Earth.
Somewhere out there in la-la-land with Senator Sununu, the Senate Judiciary Committee chairman, Patrick Leahy, says he's going to get to the bottom of this, this, uh...well, it's not a crime, really....uh, but we need to have subpoenas issued for this, uh...what do you call it...this...WITCH HUNT. Why can't they just say it? That's all it is, folks, just another in a long line of them. Democrats have been so agitated, so just plain out of their collective tree since George Bush took office, they will look into every corner of the White House, look under every bed, until they find a dust bunny that they can call a scandal! Apparently, Sununu thinks that Gonzales needs to go the way of Rumsfeld before he goes the way of poor old Scooter Libby, another victim of our Salem Democrats.
Isn't there even one person out there (besides Ms. Coulter) who has the courage to stand up to this collection of carrion-eaters and say, "Screw You! I'm not apologizing, no mistakes were made, you scandal gluttons are making up phony crimes so you can destroy George Bush and any other republican you can! Why don't you go out and buy some carbon credits, you bunch of boobs!" Please, republicans, go on the offense, or at least play a little defense, but stop turning the other cheek, because it's starting to bleed uncontrollably. Well, not you, Senator Sununu, you get a "get out of jail free" card from the Dems for agreeing with them that it's criminal for the boss to fire his employees. You dolt.
Somewhere out there in la-la-land with Senator Sununu, the Senate Judiciary Committee chairman, Patrick Leahy, says he's going to get to the bottom of this, this, uh...well, it's not a crime, really....uh, but we need to have subpoenas issued for this, uh...what do you call it...this...WITCH HUNT. Why can't they just say it? That's all it is, folks, just another in a long line of them. Democrats have been so agitated, so just plain out of their collective tree since George Bush took office, they will look into every corner of the White House, look under every bed, until they find a dust bunny that they can call a scandal! Apparently, Sununu thinks that Gonzales needs to go the way of Rumsfeld before he goes the way of poor old Scooter Libby, another victim of our Salem Democrats.
Isn't there even one person out there (besides Ms. Coulter) who has the courage to stand up to this collection of carrion-eaters and say, "Screw You! I'm not apologizing, no mistakes were made, you scandal gluttons are making up phony crimes so you can destroy George Bush and any other republican you can! Why don't you go out and buy some carbon credits, you bunch of boobs!" Please, republicans, go on the offense, or at least play a little defense, but stop turning the other cheek, because it's starting to bleed uncontrollably. Well, not you, Senator Sununu, you get a "get out of jail free" card from the Dems for agreeing with them that it's criminal for the boss to fire his employees. You dolt.
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