Do you know what your kids learned in school today? Well, tough. You're not allowed to know. It's top secret, by order of the public school district, drill instructors for the Army of Moral Relativism. Just ask David Parker of Lexington, MA, a parent who only wanted to be informed when his child's kindergarten teacher decided to discuss homosexuality, arrested and jailed in April of 2005. Never mind the fact that state law in Massachusetts requires parental notification. Doesn't matter. Not when the ACLU and a group of gay lawyers is arguing that they have more rights to your children than you do. You, as a parent will be labeled a homophobe, a slur you can never bounce back from, or worse...(gasp!) a christian! Those unenlightened Christians, always spreading dangerous messages like God's love, morality, and the importance of family.
You could also ask parents in Newton, Mass., or in Deerfield, IL, who were not allowed to attend or even ask their kids about a seminar explaining how to know if you are gay. The pamphlet being passed around also told kids where they could go to meet other gays, and another listed a bunch of web sites, phone numbers, et cetera, but the children were prohibited from even talking to their parents about any of it. The only source of information was the high school newspaper, and the school admins didn't even like that. Freedom of speech, unless it's speech they don't like. The school is going to teach your kids things about sexuality, things you don't think they're ready to know, and they want your kids to lie about it. Why? Because you might try to instill your values as a parent, and that scares them to death. So, the gay army marches on, straight to court, and makes it illegal for you to parent at all.
Then there are the predators, the Debra LaFaves and Mary Kay Letourneaus, grown women who don't feel fulfilled unless they have sex with young teenage boys. I know, I know, you probably think I'm overreacting. That's what their lawyers and publicists want you to think. You see an interview with Debra LaFave, and they make you think, "poor, confused woman," or, "Wow, what a lucky kid, she's so pretty." Women like this get slaps on the wrist and book deals when they're caught while their male counterparts spend years in prison and are vilified for all time for the same crime (yes, it is a crime). The Army of Moral Relativism is on the march again, their battle cry long and loud, "Who are you to judge us, we're just different, we have different needs, how dare you, or some church, or even God tell us what we're doing is wrong or sinful? In fact, since I enjoy what I'm doing, it can't be a sin, so there are no sins and there is no God, and we're going to refuse to teach anything but Darwin's theory of evolution! Take that, you homophobic, racist, sexist, self-righteous, intolerant, christian parent!"
The liberal left is comprised of several minorities, each with its' own agenda, and each agenda shares the same goal, which is to indoctrinate your kids into their values,or lack thereof, in the name of tolerance. They figure if they can get you to swallow one, they will be able to cram the rest down your throat and turn you into a liberal drone by the time you graduate. The main obstacle, of course, is parents and their rights, so they remove that threat by sending activist lawyers into court case battlefields. The ammunition? Tolerance. Their howitzer is the contention that public schools have a duty to teach the anti-christian doctrine so that the children will function better in society, a tolerant, liberal society. So, schools are given more power than parents by judicial fiat, and most of you are fine with it, because you don't even know what's going on. I'll let you in on a little secret. If the news bores you, just watch an hour of Grey's Anatomy on ABC, and you'll see the same brainwashing happening in Hollywood that has been silently happening to your kids at school. "Everything and everyone is normal, nothing is morally wrong, and if you object, then you are an intolerant bigot, resistance is futile." Why do you think they call it programming?
The new soldiers of the left are being taught by people who think that you are to narrow-minded or intolerant to properly raise your children, that your values are outdated, and your parenting skills are dangerous. So, what are you to do? You pull your kids out of public school, maybe put them into a private school, or try to home school, and what happens? The liberals get really nervous. They send in the shock troops, the Department of Child Services people, who try to enter your home and talk to your kids without a warrant so they can check for abuse or anything else so that they can take the children away from you and put them back in the system. Think I'm being paranoid? They tried it on me and my family, three times, but I'm an Oklahoman with certain rights, and I know what they are. Beware, you people who too blindly trust public schools and daycare. The Army of Moral Relativism is on the march, and they have come for your children. Do you really think you can sustain the casualties?
You could also ask parents in Newton, Mass., or in Deerfield, IL, who were not allowed to attend or even ask their kids about a seminar explaining how to know if you are gay. The pamphlet being passed around also told kids where they could go to meet other gays, and another listed a bunch of web sites, phone numbers, et cetera, but the children were prohibited from even talking to their parents about any of it. The only source of information was the high school newspaper, and the school admins didn't even like that. Freedom of speech, unless it's speech they don't like. The school is going to teach your kids things about sexuality, things you don't think they're ready to know, and they want your kids to lie about it. Why? Because you might try to instill your values as a parent, and that scares them to death. So, the gay army marches on, straight to court, and makes it illegal for you to parent at all.
Then there are the predators, the Debra LaFaves and Mary Kay Letourneaus, grown women who don't feel fulfilled unless they have sex with young teenage boys. I know, I know, you probably think I'm overreacting. That's what their lawyers and publicists want you to think. You see an interview with Debra LaFave, and they make you think, "poor, confused woman," or, "Wow, what a lucky kid, she's so pretty." Women like this get slaps on the wrist and book deals when they're caught while their male counterparts spend years in prison and are vilified for all time for the same crime (yes, it is a crime). The Army of Moral Relativism is on the march again, their battle cry long and loud, "Who are you to judge us, we're just different, we have different needs, how dare you, or some church, or even God tell us what we're doing is wrong or sinful? In fact, since I enjoy what I'm doing, it can't be a sin, so there are no sins and there is no God, and we're going to refuse to teach anything but Darwin's theory of evolution! Take that, you homophobic, racist, sexist, self-righteous, intolerant, christian parent!"
The liberal left is comprised of several minorities, each with its' own agenda, and each agenda shares the same goal, which is to indoctrinate your kids into their values,or lack thereof, in the name of tolerance. They figure if they can get you to swallow one, they will be able to cram the rest down your throat and turn you into a liberal drone by the time you graduate. The main obstacle, of course, is parents and their rights, so they remove that threat by sending activist lawyers into court case battlefields. The ammunition? Tolerance. Their howitzer is the contention that public schools have a duty to teach the anti-christian doctrine so that the children will function better in society, a tolerant, liberal society. So, schools are given more power than parents by judicial fiat, and most of you are fine with it, because you don't even know what's going on. I'll let you in on a little secret. If the news bores you, just watch an hour of Grey's Anatomy on ABC, and you'll see the same brainwashing happening in Hollywood that has been silently happening to your kids at school. "Everything and everyone is normal, nothing is morally wrong, and if you object, then you are an intolerant bigot, resistance is futile." Why do you think they call it programming?
The new soldiers of the left are being taught by people who think that you are to narrow-minded or intolerant to properly raise your children, that your values are outdated, and your parenting skills are dangerous. So, what are you to do? You pull your kids out of public school, maybe put them into a private school, or try to home school, and what happens? The liberals get really nervous. They send in the shock troops, the Department of Child Services people, who try to enter your home and talk to your kids without a warrant so they can check for abuse or anything else so that they can take the children away from you and put them back in the system. Think I'm being paranoid? They tried it on me and my family, three times, but I'm an Oklahoman with certain rights, and I know what they are. Beware, you people who too blindly trust public schools and daycare. The Army of Moral Relativism is on the march, and they have come for your children. Do you really think you can sustain the casualties?
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