You might have noticed the link that's been added to my blog just to the right of this post. It says it offers an objective view on global warming. It doesn't. I went to the site, I read the article, and it says the same garbage you can hear everyday from the doom and gloom media. "Polar bears are dying, ice caps are melting, and it's all our fault." Look, I'm no scientist, but I know it takes more than a one degree increase in the temperature of the Earth to constitute an immediate emergency. These people are so wound up about this that they are making kids loose sleep over it. How's that for responsible reporting?
I know why they do it, though. To push their agenda on you, they have to get you feeling scared and guilty. You see, most people that I talk to about global warming have been brow beaten into believing that the cars and trucks they drive and the aerosol cans they used to use are killing polar bears and melting glaciers. Because I use gasoline, Manhattan will be under water in the next three days. Riiight. Humans are to blame for everything, and since they are human, they feel really bad. Poor polar bears, if only they knew how much we really like them. Of course, even if they knew, they would still eat us, because they're polar bears, so do yourself a favor...fly to the north pole and sacrifice yourself to the bears, it's the least you can do.
So, you may ask yourself, why do they want to make us feel scared and guilty? Simple. They figure if they get you feeling scared and guilty enough, you'll be more than willing to support a carbon tax. Do you think this is a joke? Wrong. They want to tax you because you use gasoline and coal. Need proof? Okay, go to http://www.foxnews.com/ and read the article about Al Gore going before congress. It's titled, "Gore Implores Congress To Save Planet." Go on, read it, I'll wait right here. About half way through the article you will see mention of Sen. Hillary Clinton, who says she is "very intrigued" by Mr. Gore's ideas, such as...A CARBON TAX! They aren't even being sneaky about it, folks, they want your money, and they're going to get it, because you are scared and guilty. They aren't even asking, they're telling. But as I've already pointed out, no matter how many trees you plant, it will never be enough.
While I've got Al Gore on the brain, I'll share something else with you. Sen. James Inhofe, who represents me and other Oklahomans, cornered Gore on the issue of limiting carbon emissions. Citing the quote from Gore's movie, An Inconvenient Truth, "Are you ready to change the way you live," Inhofe asked the same of him. Would Gore pledge to reduce his enormous energy consumption to the level of average Americans within one year? Gore wouldn't pledge to that. BUT he will take your money and "plant some trees" with it. That's a carbon credit, folks, it's giving Al Gore money to plant trees, which he doesn't have time to do, because he's busy globetrotting on his private jet to tell everyone else that they are not doing enough. He wastes fuel to tell you to change, but he doesn't have to, he's planting trees that will never absorb all of the carbon from just one of his trips even after 50 years.
But hey, I'm no scientist. If higher taxes will save the planet, who am I to go against progress? I'll tell you who I am, I'm an unconcerned American who doesn't want a phony tax for a phony cataclysm. I know you want to feel better somehow, to feel like you're doing something positive to assuage your guilt. Here's a suggestion; to save energy, when another global warming story comes on the news, tun off your television.
I know why they do it, though. To push their agenda on you, they have to get you feeling scared and guilty. You see, most people that I talk to about global warming have been brow beaten into believing that the cars and trucks they drive and the aerosol cans they used to use are killing polar bears and melting glaciers. Because I use gasoline, Manhattan will be under water in the next three days. Riiight. Humans are to blame for everything, and since they are human, they feel really bad. Poor polar bears, if only they knew how much we really like them. Of course, even if they knew, they would still eat us, because they're polar bears, so do yourself a favor...fly to the north pole and sacrifice yourself to the bears, it's the least you can do.
So, you may ask yourself, why do they want to make us feel scared and guilty? Simple. They figure if they get you feeling scared and guilty enough, you'll be more than willing to support a carbon tax. Do you think this is a joke? Wrong. They want to tax you because you use gasoline and coal. Need proof? Okay, go to http://www.foxnews.com/ and read the article about Al Gore going before congress. It's titled, "Gore Implores Congress To Save Planet." Go on, read it, I'll wait right here. About half way through the article you will see mention of Sen. Hillary Clinton, who says she is "very intrigued" by Mr. Gore's ideas, such as...A CARBON TAX! They aren't even being sneaky about it, folks, they want your money, and they're going to get it, because you are scared and guilty. They aren't even asking, they're telling. But as I've already pointed out, no matter how many trees you plant, it will never be enough.
While I've got Al Gore on the brain, I'll share something else with you. Sen. James Inhofe, who represents me and other Oklahomans, cornered Gore on the issue of limiting carbon emissions. Citing the quote from Gore's movie, An Inconvenient Truth, "Are you ready to change the way you live," Inhofe asked the same of him. Would Gore pledge to reduce his enormous energy consumption to the level of average Americans within one year? Gore wouldn't pledge to that. BUT he will take your money and "plant some trees" with it. That's a carbon credit, folks, it's giving Al Gore money to plant trees, which he doesn't have time to do, because he's busy globetrotting on his private jet to tell everyone else that they are not doing enough. He wastes fuel to tell you to change, but he doesn't have to, he's planting trees that will never absorb all of the carbon from just one of his trips even after 50 years.
But hey, I'm no scientist. If higher taxes will save the planet, who am I to go against progress? I'll tell you who I am, I'm an unconcerned American who doesn't want a phony tax for a phony cataclysm. I know you want to feel better somehow, to feel like you're doing something positive to assuage your guilt. Here's a suggestion; to save energy, when another global warming story comes on the news, tun off your television.
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