Bad news, everyone. According to realclimate.com and globalwarming.com the Martians are experiencing global warming, too. I know, I know, we all thought that there was no life on Mars, but there must be. After all, if you believe the gaggle of alarmists who are telling us that man is responsible for global warming on Earth, you have to believe there are Martian SUVs and coal plants. What other explanation could there be for the shrinkage of the Martian South Polar Cap? If the alarmists are correct that man is destroying Earth, we, or at least somebody, must be destroying Mars. It's just funny that we haven't discovered where they are hiding their freeways yet, isn't it?
Or, maybe there's another reason. Could it be orbital forcing? The planets' orbits around the sun do change, you know. Or maybe the sun is just getting hotter....realclimate.com has a few ideas. Oddly enough, they didn't mention man. So, let's get back down to Earth, as it were. While the scientists are scaring the children of the world by telling everyone that Greenland is going to disappear and the polar bears with it, something is happening down south. With much gall, and totally without permission of these scientists, the Antarctic has been getting cooler. That's right, according to globalwarming.com, "It seems that the climate models have struck out. Strike one: they can't simulate the current climate. Strike two: they predict greater and more rapid warming in the atmosphere than at the surface. The opposite is happening. Strike three: they predict amplified warming at the poles, which are cooling instead." Wow. I guess Al Gore and his buddies have a solution for the polar bears, we'll just move them all to Antarctica. It's a thought.
Getting back to Mars, since we are going to be taxed by the government for our carbon use so that these scientists can keep getting their funding (where else are they going to get it? There's no interest in the private sector), someone has to start convincing the Martians and taxing them, right? I'm sure the Martian scientists will be thrilled to know that their funding will continue thanks to carbon taxes. They will probably be so grateful that they will finally come visit and introduce themselves. Or maybe our own scientists could forget all about this global warming junk, quit trying to scare the living hell out of all of us, and go back to researching cancer. How about it, guys, people are actually dying of that. Sheesh, it's chilly today, I think I'm going to go get my sweater.
Or, maybe there's another reason. Could it be orbital forcing? The planets' orbits around the sun do change, you know. Or maybe the sun is just getting hotter....realclimate.com has a few ideas. Oddly enough, they didn't mention man. So, let's get back down to Earth, as it were. While the scientists are scaring the children of the world by telling everyone that Greenland is going to disappear and the polar bears with it, something is happening down south. With much gall, and totally without permission of these scientists, the Antarctic has been getting cooler. That's right, according to globalwarming.com, "It seems that the climate models have struck out. Strike one: they can't simulate the current climate. Strike two: they predict greater and more rapid warming in the atmosphere than at the surface. The opposite is happening. Strike three: they predict amplified warming at the poles, which are cooling instead." Wow. I guess Al Gore and his buddies have a solution for the polar bears, we'll just move them all to Antarctica. It's a thought.
Getting back to Mars, since we are going to be taxed by the government for our carbon use so that these scientists can keep getting their funding (where else are they going to get it? There's no interest in the private sector), someone has to start convincing the Martians and taxing them, right? I'm sure the Martian scientists will be thrilled to know that their funding will continue thanks to carbon taxes. They will probably be so grateful that they will finally come visit and introduce themselves. Or maybe our own scientists could forget all about this global warming junk, quit trying to scare the living hell out of all of us, and go back to researching cancer. How about it, guys, people are actually dying of that. Sheesh, it's chilly today, I think I'm going to go get my sweater.
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