Fifteen Brittish service members are being held as political prisoners in Iran, and all I hear about is "continued isolation" and "legal action." The European Union says the United Kingdom has their support, but, according to foxnews.com, want to "avoid unnecessary escalation." That sounds like a very diplomatic (French) way of saying, "We feel bad for you, and we'll tell the Iranians that, but we're to scared to actually help you." All of this international ballet about Iran has gotten me so frustrated that I'm ready to go and dig up Ronald Reagan so we can put these twerps back in their place. Nothing says "release our troops or die" like a barrage of Jericho missles and the Pacific fleet off your coast.
Now, I know what some of you are thinking..."Are you mad? With most of our soldiers and marines already in Iraq and about 50% of the population against the current war , you want to threaten war with yet another country?" Well...no. I don't want to threaten war. I want to bomb them. Still, I understand that we have become too guilt-ridden and anxious when it comes to people who are trying to kill us; we wouldn't want to hurt their collective feelings. So what can a nation which has been nearly forced into declaring itself a paper tiger do when confronted with such sticky matters? Pierce Brosnan comes to mind.
Where the devil is 007? I see these movies like Mission:Impossible, The Bourne Identity, and Die Another Day, and I think, why would any other nation in the world even think of screwing with us? So where are Bond, Bourne, and Hunt? You may think I'm being farcical here, but i think I have a valid point. We have spies, we have strike teams, and we have state-of-the-art equipment. Why are we not using them to rescue our allies? After all, diplomacy isn't working. We're like the embattled mother of a three year old, who, over the loud tantrum of said child, screams, "you just wait until your father gets home!" Unfortunately, the father is the UN, and all he's interested in when he gets home is the business section of the newspaper. If diplomats can't do it, and we're to scared to send bombs, then send Bond. James Bond.
For the record, I'm not behind the times, I saw Casino Royale, but c'mon. That wasn't really a Bond Movie. Yeah, I liked Sean Connery, but I grew up with Roger Moore, so he was always my favorite. What he had in wit and style, Pierce has in determination. Don't get me strated on Daniel Craig. That may have been close to Ian Flemming, but it was nowhere near Bond. Anyway, how about it, M? Why not send in the big guns? It's about time, don't you think?
Now, I know what some of you are thinking..."Are you mad? With most of our soldiers and marines already in Iraq and about 50% of the population against the current war , you want to threaten war with yet another country?" Well...no. I don't want to threaten war. I want to bomb them. Still, I understand that we have become too guilt-ridden and anxious when it comes to people who are trying to kill us; we wouldn't want to hurt their collective feelings. So what can a nation which has been nearly forced into declaring itself a paper tiger do when confronted with such sticky matters? Pierce Brosnan comes to mind.
Where the devil is 007? I see these movies like Mission:Impossible, The Bourne Identity, and Die Another Day, and I think, why would any other nation in the world even think of screwing with us? So where are Bond, Bourne, and Hunt? You may think I'm being farcical here, but i think I have a valid point. We have spies, we have strike teams, and we have state-of-the-art equipment. Why are we not using them to rescue our allies? After all, diplomacy isn't working. We're like the embattled mother of a three year old, who, over the loud tantrum of said child, screams, "you just wait until your father gets home!" Unfortunately, the father is the UN, and all he's interested in when he gets home is the business section of the newspaper. If diplomats can't do it, and we're to scared to send bombs, then send Bond. James Bond.
For the record, I'm not behind the times, I saw Casino Royale, but c'mon. That wasn't really a Bond Movie. Yeah, I liked Sean Connery, but I grew up with Roger Moore, so he was always my favorite. What he had in wit and style, Pierce has in determination. Don't get me strated on Daniel Craig. That may have been close to Ian Flemming, but it was nowhere near Bond. Anyway, how about it, M? Why not send in the big guns? It's about time, don't you think?