Hey, you anarchist, where ever you are out there, whomever you are....knock it off. I'm serious. Stop causing trouble, all you're doing is filling my e-mail with junk. These stupid chain letters are driving me crazy and making people paranoid. If you want to run Exxon or ConEd out of business, do it the old fashioned way. You almost had us with the George Carlin thing. The black out "sat photos" would be convincing, if your time frame had any continuity. But you've tried the "gas-out" thing before, and we're starting to get hip to you. Get a grip. Capitalism works. Look, anyone who reads this, please, I know my readership isn't large, but if you found me, you can hear me. Stop spreading this stuff around. It is useless misinformation, and the author's intent is to cause enough havoc to satisfy his or her own ego. The threat of a "gas-out" sounds like a call to the common man, but do you know how many thousands of American jobs will be effected if you fall for it? And you, you commie swine, the person that writes this drivel and passes it around as fact, have you considered the "common man" who works for Consolidated Edison or Exxon Mobil? What will happen when "millions of Americans" buy into this crap and stop buying fuel on the dates you suggest? If no one buys fuel, no one gets paid. If no one gets paid, then who is going to work the pump when you need to get somewhere, or answer the phone when you have a tech question that will help you pirate more movies from Singapore? Even your criminal efforts are capital-driven, so stop being so smug and just quit. We get it. You're clever. But so are we. I will make it my mission in life, after the global warming hoax, that is, to expose you as a fraud, so you keep sending, and I'll keep educating. For those of you who fall prey to this sort of thing, I can say only this: Google is good for more than just finding pics of Jennifer Love Hewitt in just her bra. Do the research.
If the person behind this nonsense should ever get back to you [which they won't], their most likely response about putting people out of work would probably run along the lines of "The cause requires sacrifice", or some other drivel. Then as soon as they hit 'Send', their very next email will be to daddy, requesting an increase in allowance.
I sure hope Dadddy doesn't work for Exxon.
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