I love money. Especially cash. There's just nothing like the feel of a fat wallet, and not the bulk that plastic creates, but that good, light-weight feeling you get from good old fashioned American greenbacks. They tried to take away my Washingtons with those goofy Sacajewea coins, but every one pretty much agreed that they were a pain in the neck. I guess I would have adjusted, though, because at least it would've been
American currency. There's a growing number of people who think the idea of a central North American Bank is the wave of the future, and the name for this currency, which has been tossed around for a while, now, is "the Amero." What? No
way. You're not going to pay
me in anything but dollars! There's a guy, his name is Benn Steil, who seems to think it's the only way to sustain the global economy. "In order to globalize safely," the fool says, "countries should abandon monetary nationalism and abolish unwanted currencies, the source of much of today's instability."
Hmmm. I thought "the source of much of today's instability" was
unstable countries. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think it's wise to put our money in the same piggy bank as Nicaragua, or even Mexico. What kind of purchase power does the Peso have, can anyone tell me? Do you know the current exchange rate? Currently one U.S. dollar is equal to 10.81400 in pesos. We even beat out the Canadians by about ten cents. You know what happens around here when you try to pass off a Canadian quater at the gas station? The hand it back as politely as they can, and they
refuse to accept it as payment! Why? Because it's
WORTHLESS here, it's not American money! You can tell by the look in the cashiers' eyes, they're thinking, "nice try, pal." Take a peso to a vending machine and try to buy a Coke with it. Go on, I'll wait here. (Imagining elapsed time) Well? See? It wouldn't take the peso, would it?
So, if we go ahead with this ridiculous plan, how much will the "Amero" be worth? Can I buy a hot dog at a ball game with it? Besides, what will be the standard on which we base the currency's worth, the Mexican economy, the Canadian economy, or are we just going to eliminate our borders and make a new United States of Canmexica? Who's face will be on the "Amero," Christopher Columbus, or Montezuma? "We Are The World" my
ass, we're the United States of America, and we should stay that way, pennies and all. Yeah, I like pennies, too. Sure, they cost more to make then they're worth, but what do you want to do, it's still 1/100th of a dollar, and it's mine. Keep American currency, strengthen American borders, not erase them, and promote patriotism whenever and wherever you can.
1 comment:
LOL, putting Canadian coins in American coin-machines works fine. Even though, $1CDN is approaching $1US
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