Holy crap! Algore said something I actually agree with! According to Breitbart.com, he was quoted as saying, "What is it about our collective decision-making process that has led us to this state of affairs where we spend much more time in the public forum talking about -- or receiving information about -- Britney Spears shaving her head or Paris Hilton going to jail?" Well...he's right. Of course, anyone who knows me knows I think global warming is a bunch of crap, so this one instance is probably the only time the former Veep and I will see eye to eye, but I have to give him credit for this one, especially since MTV and Hollywood are what got him and Clinton into the White House. Mind you, he brought this up at his own big-time celebrity book signing in New York, where he was given the Hollywood treatment himself, but at least he's not lost sight of, in his words, "[the] destruction of the boundary between news and entertainment." I mean, here we are in the middle of a war, and people care more about what Rosie O'Dumbass and Elizabeth Hasslebroad think than what's actually going on in Iraq. Ground-breaking abortion legislation goes through in Oklahoma, but most people are busy googling Paris Hilton, not writing their state representatives. When I turn on the radio, I don't want to hear about Mel the jew-hating Gibson, KKKramer, or Anna Nicole's dead body. I don't care how many squares of toilet paper Sheryl Crow uses, and I don't care if Britney Spears is communicating with beings on Mars. Algore may be wrong about global warming, but he's right about America's addiction to these circus freaks we call "celebrities." Then again, it looks like he's on his way to joining them.