If you have ever tried to have an intelligent discussion about religion with someone who believes in nothing, you've probably heard this before: "Don't you think it's arrogant to think that your religion is the one true way?" You have to give these people credit for trying, I suppose, because the supposed argument is that anything you say must be tainted with an offensive show of superiority and self-righteousness, and you are probably a hypocrite, to boot. It can be an effective tool in an argument, to make your opponent look like a smug bombast, but it denies the truth behind what faith really is.
What really makes you want to strangle the person who asks this question is since they have no belief in anything, they fail to see that the question is ...well, idiotic. Read it again. "Don't you think it's arrogant to think that your religion is the one true way?" That's what faith is! Not just "think," but "believe," or "know to be true." I don't know about you, but I have never met a Jewish person who said to me, "You know, I'm Jewish, and all, but I can't help but think that maybe the Hindus are on to something," or a christian who said, "Yeah, I worship Christ, but I'm probably going to pray to Allah tonight, just to be on the safe side." It doesn't happen. Everyone, whether Muslim or Jew, Christian or Buddhist, believes they are right and all else are wrong. As it turns out, there actually is such a thing as a stupid question, so unless you are a complete boob, this one should never be asked.
As my mom once said to me, "for the non-believer, no proof will ever be possible, but for he who believes, no proof will ever be necessary." Even the "enlightened" secular humanists out there can probably wrap their minds around those sage words, so why does faith scare them? It's a simple question of rationalisation and moral relativism. No one likes to believe what they are doing is wrong, especially if they enjoy it, and people really hate being told what they're doing is wrong. They say to themselves, "Wait a minute...according to this moral code, here, what I'm doing is a sin...but I don't feel sinful...and I don't really appreciate being judged by all of these people...how dare they? Judgemental bastards! Hey, I know...since I like what I'm doing, it can't be sinful, therefore there is no such thing as sin, therefore there is no God! Yeah... that's how I'll play it!" Right. If it feels good, do it, there are no consequences, it's just another "lifestyle choice." Just ask Charles Manson about his "lifestyle choice." I'm sure he's got a rationalisation, too.
What's funny is, as soon as you tell one of these people that you're a person of faith, they're immediately on the defensive. They automatically start making judgements about you. You're a christian, so you must hate homosexuals, course language, alcohol (and people who drink it), people of all other faiths, and, because you're so intolerant, you think everyone who's not you is going to Hell. Plus, since no one is perfect, that automatically makes you a hypocrite! Don't you just love how they think? Tell them you're a Christian, and their brain sends a signal to the mouth that's almost uncontrollable to shout with a contorted face, "YOU HATE ME! THAT MAKES YOU A HYPOCRITE, YOU CHRISTIAN! I HATE YOU, TOO, SO THERE! " Being lectured by one of these clowns is like listening to a fish describe land, but once you understand what you're dealing with, you begin to see the patterns. Do you see now how a person like Rosie O'Donnell can spew out the garbage she does about Christians being as dangerous as radical Islamo-fascists?
They already want to jump into the ring and start swinging before you even knew there was a bout scheduled. So, how do you beat them? Kill them with kindness. Ask them what they really know about you and what you personally believe. Tell them you're willing to teach them if they are willing to learn, and that you're open to friendly debate. Tell them you will pray for them. If that doesn't work, and they still want to make you out to be Ghengis Khan simply for believing in something, well...then, I guess you can tell them to go to hell. Psst! Just kidding, Mom, I would never....
What really makes you want to strangle the person who asks this question is since they have no belief in anything, they fail to see that the question is ...well, idiotic. Read it again. "Don't you think it's arrogant to think that your religion is the one true way?" That's what faith is! Not just "think," but "believe," or "know to be true." I don't know about you, but I have never met a Jewish person who said to me, "You know, I'm Jewish, and all, but I can't help but think that maybe the Hindus are on to something," or a christian who said, "Yeah, I worship Christ, but I'm probably going to pray to Allah tonight, just to be on the safe side." It doesn't happen. Everyone, whether Muslim or Jew, Christian or Buddhist, believes they are right and all else are wrong. As it turns out, there actually is such a thing as a stupid question, so unless you are a complete boob, this one should never be asked.
As my mom once said to me, "for the non-believer, no proof will ever be possible, but for he who believes, no proof will ever be necessary." Even the "enlightened" secular humanists out there can probably wrap their minds around those sage words, so why does faith scare them? It's a simple question of rationalisation and moral relativism. No one likes to believe what they are doing is wrong, especially if they enjoy it, and people really hate being told what they're doing is wrong. They say to themselves, "Wait a minute...according to this moral code, here, what I'm doing is a sin...but I don't feel sinful...and I don't really appreciate being judged by all of these people...how dare they? Judgemental bastards! Hey, I know...since I like what I'm doing, it can't be sinful, therefore there is no such thing as sin, therefore there is no God! Yeah... that's how I'll play it!" Right. If it feels good, do it, there are no consequences, it's just another "lifestyle choice." Just ask Charles Manson about his "lifestyle choice." I'm sure he's got a rationalisation, too.
What's funny is, as soon as you tell one of these people that you're a person of faith, they're immediately on the defensive. They automatically start making judgements about you. You're a christian, so you must hate homosexuals, course language, alcohol (and people who drink it), people of all other faiths, and, because you're so intolerant, you think everyone who's not you is going to Hell. Plus, since no one is perfect, that automatically makes you a hypocrite! Don't you just love how they think? Tell them you're a Christian, and their brain sends a signal to the mouth that's almost uncontrollable to shout with a contorted face, "YOU HATE ME! THAT MAKES YOU A HYPOCRITE, YOU CHRISTIAN! I HATE YOU, TOO, SO THERE! " Being lectured by one of these clowns is like listening to a fish describe land, but once you understand what you're dealing with, you begin to see the patterns. Do you see now how a person like Rosie O'Donnell can spew out the garbage she does about Christians being as dangerous as radical Islamo-fascists?
They already want to jump into the ring and start swinging before you even knew there was a bout scheduled. So, how do you beat them? Kill them with kindness. Ask them what they really know about you and what you personally believe. Tell them you're willing to teach them if they are willing to learn, and that you're open to friendly debate. Tell them you will pray for them. If that doesn't work, and they still want to make you out to be Ghengis Khan simply for believing in something, well...then, I guess you can tell them to go to hell. Psst! Just kidding, Mom, I would never....
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