I got the picture on the left from a very good friend of mine in South Carolina. It was sent as a chain letter, and I don't believe in chain letters, but I
did send this to some of you, because I think it's a powerful image. Since this came as a forward in my e-mail, I don't have any information on the artist, where this sculpture is or was, or even if it is in memorial to anything in particular, but when I saw it, I immediately thought of September 11, 2001. There's nothing wrong with moving on, or letting wounds heal, or with any way we as individuals and as a country deal with the memory of that dark day, but we should never, never
forget. Remember, always, that there is evil out there waiting for us to turn our backs on it. Remember that we have a war to wage and win. Remember that many human beings lost their lives to cowards in dirty nightshirts that day because America stands for something. Remember these things, and also remember that there are heroes and angels. Remember that God is just. Remember 9/11.
I got the chain letter, too, and googled to find the original photo. The ice sculpture was done in Canada in 2002 and was indeed a 9/11 tribute. Here's the full story.
Thank-you, Janice, for the heads up. The artist deserves credit for this work, an inspiration for humanity. Her name is Darlene Racicot, and she is a Canadian.
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