If you heard the reports that Wallonia, a French-speaking region of Belgium, had approved a tax on barbecue season to be enforced by helicopter observation, you probably flipped your lid. I know I did. The story, which can still be found at the Russian News and Information Agency Novosti website, was even reported by Rush Limbaugh as a global warming update. The tax of 20 euros was supposed to go into effect this June as a way to offset CO2 emissions, which absolute fools believe causes global warming, and many people, myself included, wondered about the green house gases emitted by the helicopters sent up to spy on people in their back yards. It seemed so ridiculous, too farcical to be true...and it was. The story was released as an April Fool's Day joke, and it worked, but why? How did we get suckered like that? Well, because it sounds like something the global warming kooks would do, that's why. I've already explained to you that people like New York Senator and Democratic Presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton have been quoted in the media as being supportive of a "carbon tax." We know these people are determined to make us pay for emitting CO2, or as i like to call it, "breathing." As far out as it sounded, it very easily could have been true, so I have to take my hat off to the pranksters who brewed this one up. It doesn't embarrass me to admit that I fell for this one when I know the real joke is on people who actually believe that cooking food is causing the destruction of the planet. CO2 is what plants breathe, it's what we exhale, that's why people talk to their zinnias! It's a part of the natural world, for Pete's sake! What's outlandish is people who think the fact that I'm not dead yet is causing ice caps to melt and polar bears to die. So, you see, to me, it wasn't so unbelievable to think that there are people out there who would impose taxes on barbecues and respiration. I'm surprised it
hasn't happened yet. So, if you bought this one, too, don't feel bad. Just smile, put another burger on the grill, and thank God it's
not true. At least, not
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