In an article by the Associated Press this morning, Dr. William Grey, a leading hurricane forecaster, was quoted as saying of Al Gore, "He's one of these guys that preaches the end of the world type of things. I think he's doing a great disservice and he doesn't know what he's talking about." See? I'm
not the only one, and this is a guy who knows a thing or to about climate study. This is a guy who, when he says a hurricane is coming up the mouth of the Mississippi River, New Orleanians
listen to. I have yet to hear if Mr. Gore has commented on this, but I'm guessing he probably just shrugged his shoulders and held up his Oscar for
An Inconvenient Truth. Of course, after Hurricane Katrina, the global warming kooks blamed global warming and predictd that 2006 would be an even
worse hurricane season...which never happened, because El Nino came along and clipped the heads of off these things before they could ever form. I, personally, as one who lived in New Orleans for a great deal of my adult life, am more inclined to listen to Dr. Grey, but you go ahead and pop that Gore propganda into your DVD player and space out to the actual
facts. Anyway, Dr. Grey believes ocean circulation patterns are to blame for the past few stron hurricanes, not man-made global warming, and as a person who has been the leading forcaster for hurricanes for 24 years, I'm inclined to agree, but such people as MIT proffessor Kerry Emanuel of MIT still argue the point. These doomsday scientists have been on our cases for so long, it's almost hard to remember when it all started. First, they told us to use plastic bags, because they could be recycled and would save trees. Then, they told us the plastic bags weren't getting recycled, and at least the paper bags are biodegradeable. They told us to switch form the old-fashioned Edison lightbulbs to compact flourescents, then back again because they contain mercury components and pollute the Earth. In Belgium, they're imposing a tax on
barbecues because of the CO2 output, to be enforced by carbon-spewing
helicopters flying over peoples' backyards. Oh, and by the
way....EVERY TIME YOU BREATH, you exhale CO2, which
trees need to
breathe. Al Gore says you need to change the way
you live and is asking a carbon tax to be levied on us, but is refusing to change his own usage habits. Have you had enough, yet, folks? Dr. Grey is right, but it's worse than that. Mr. Gore is not just a "gross alarmist," he's a hypocrite and a fraud, and if you are still determined to believe these kooks, even after everything I've tried to share with you on this site, then there is no hope for you. Wake up, people, it's people like William Grey who are looking out for you, not the global warming pseudo-scientists and their guilt-tripping entourage.
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