Since so many people seem to have an interest, I've decided to return to the topic. See the woman on the left? That is what a sex offender looks like. That should satisfy you perverts out there who found my site looking for spank material. For the rest of you, read on. Debra Lafave plead guilty and was sentenced on November 22, 2005 of having illegal sexual relations with a minor. This teacher, a grown woman, a married woman, had sexual relations with a student. She must serve three years of house arrest and seven years of probation. She'll also never teach again. Does that sound just to you? It sounds like a slap on the wrist to me. Now take a look at the case of a Martin County School District teacher, Shawn Trotter, who was arrested February 5th of unlawful sexual conduct with a minor. No news as to whether this guy did it or not, but he was accused and arrested, which is going to ruin his life regardless. If he's found guilty, he will probably be sent to prison and tortured by guys with names like "Snake" or "Butcher." He will always be known as "that evil pervert that can't be trusted around little girls." Debra Lafave? Well, look at her. Of course she got a slap on the wrist. People see her picture and think, "Wow, lucky kid! She's so pretty! I wish I had a junior high teacher like that!" Come on. The guy who had sex with a student is going to fry, and the woman who had sex with a student is going to get her picture splattered all over the Internet and a movie deal. Now you know how the justice system works in America. If you want an easy sentence and maybe even a little sympathy, the rules are "don't be ugly" and "don't be a man."
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