The health Nazis have had a lot of success over the past few years at making your mind up for you. They started with public smoking bans, which they say had to be put into place for the protection of others. It was a hard sell, at first, because they had to convince a whole nation that someone smoking a cigarette in a bar (a place where people go to consume an unhealthy amount of liquor, listen to music at levels that could damage your hearing, and attempt to engage in sexual relations with total strangers) will make everyone else unhealthy. They got their way, though, at least in most places, and now they're even going so far as to only portray smokers as villains in cartoons and movies. Imagine this conversation...."Mommy, is Uncle Mike a bank robber?" "No, honey, of course not, why?" "Well...he smokes, and only bad people smoke, right?" Then they decided to go after motorcycle enthusiasts who choose not to wear helmets, because, after all, it's for your own good. Besides, there were accidents that cost tax payers a lot of money, so if you pay taxes, it affected you, too. Of course, many motorcyclists claim that helmets actually impair their vision and hearing while riding which increases accidents, but that didn't matter. The health Nazis are here to make sure you make the right decision by making it law. Then they won another battle in New York City by eliminating trans-fats. The grease police are walking around Manhattan now telling everyone what they can and can't eat. Think it will stop there? Don't bet on it. Since not everyone quit smoking and drinking alcohol, they just applied "sin" taxes on the products, and they'll do the same with food, just wait. In the not to distant future, you will pay $20 for a bacon double cheeseburger at McDonald's because of their new fat tax. After all, these fatty foods contribute to heart disease, and that means tax dollars spent on grease-induced heart attacks, right? How about $5 on a candy bar? If you can't control your fat kid's eating habits, government will tax you on it. It's time to draw a line in the sugar, folks. Tell the health Nazis that it's not the responsibility of government to keep you healthy. If we don't, who knows what they'll decide is bad for us next?
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