If Mahmood looks confident, it's because he's pretty sure that after a year of fiddling around with the atom with no real opposition, he can pretty much get away with anything. Consider, if you will, that 15 British Sailors were captured in Iraqi waters without a single shot fired, and while the rest of the West is dancing around the issue, the Royal Navy and Marines are playing ping pong and making apologies to the Iranians. Somehow, Tony Blair getting red in the face and saying, "you'd better knock it off, or we'll shake our fingers at you some more," didn't scare Mahmood very much. The Russians were so sure we were going to attack the Iranians on the 6th of April, they tried to warn the world...but we didn't attack. These "sanctions" the U.N. has in place didn't seem to worry Mahmood, either. That's why the Iranians have announced that they're putting in 3,000 centrifuges in Natanz, and, just to show us how little our threats mean to them, announce today as the "national day of nuclear energy." Iran is now the high school kids speeding down the highway past us, the cop with the flat tire, and they are giving us the finger and laughing. "What are you going to to about it, Smokey?" Well...nothing, I guess. We went to war against Saddam for this kind of thing, I say, "What the hell are we waiting for, let's roll!" You say the military is spread out too far? I say we have plenty of Tomahawks and submarines, more than enough for what we need. I don't want to invade Iran, I just want to bomb them until their capacity to wage war is no more threatening to us and the Israelis than a slingshot.There's a reason we name our warships "Ronald Reagan" and "Chester Nimitz." I say it's time for "Reagan" to send another message to the Iranians, and it should be something Mahmood will understand, something like, oh, I don't know....a bomb in his lap. Trust me, people, it's the only thing Ahmadinajad understands, because the Western civilization is no more than a flea to him, and one that is easily scratched right off. Next time he gives us the finger, I say we cut it off.
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