When you send your kids off to school, you probably have an image in your head of children sitting at desks and working out story problems, or reading about George Washington. You worry about how they're doing in school more than what they're doing in school, right? School is a place for children to learn about math, reading, history, and science after all, so why worry? The California state Assembly is why. According to Bob Unruh, reporting for worldnetdaily, there is a plan in the Assembly to ban the use of the words "mom" and "dad" because it might ""reflect adversely' on the homosexual lifestyle choice. " Am I the only one that read that and thought, "huh?" How the hell could mentioning that you have a "mom" or a "dad" or both "reflect adversely" on anyone? Presumably, unless you were hatched in a lab, which is possible these days, we all start out with both, right? Even gay people have moms and dads, so what gives? Law makers like Sheila James Kuehl, a lesbian Democrat in the state Senate, tell you it's to protect gay rights, but this goes beyond the realm of civil liberties and crosses right over into indoctrination. The plan also calls for "a pilot program that would have forced students to learn a 'new definition' of tolerance, one that would require them to not only accept but advocate for homosexuality, bisexuality and transgenderism, according to the CRI. " So, in other words, not just to accept gays, but how to be a gay activist before they're even in high school. If you watched 20/20 last night, you may have been touched by the poor transgender kids interviewed by Barbara Walters, those poor confused kids who are just like you and me except for the fact that they would rather be girls than boys. The lesson was, "why should society tell these kids that they are boys just because they have penises? If they want to be girls, let them wear dresses and change their names." Sure, why let a pesky thing like your own anatomy get in the way of your "true inner self?" Well, not to worry, because another bill, AB 675, "would give $1 million to pay for homosexual, bisexual and transsexual activists to turn 10 public schools into "sexual indoctrination centers." Yes, California law would change so your girl child could pee in the boy bathroom, or so your boy child could put on his cheer leading skirt in the girl locker room. And people think I'm a weirdo because my kids aren't in public school. This stuff always starts on the coasts and works it's way in, but at least for now, in my own home, my kids can still call me "dad" and my wife "mom." I've said it before, and I'll say it again, schools are no longer places for education and learning, they have become places of re-education and indoctrination. Political Correctness has become a monster to large to cage, and it is eating childrens' minds. But don't worry, even though little Johnny can't read, you can find comfort in the knowledge that the school will let him pretend to be Mary.