Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Elected Official Says Elections Shouldn't Matter

Former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi had a message for the Republican majority last Friday.  I'm paraphrasing, here, but the message seems to be, don't listen to those boobs who voted for you.  "There's so many things at risk right now ... but the fact is is that elections shouldn't matter as much as they do, (there) should be some place on the spectrum where we respect each other's views and all the rest," she told the crowd at Tufts University.  I've been trying to dissect that for hours now...what the hell does she mean, "elections shouldn't matter as much as they do?"  Near as I can figure, it means, "elections only matter if Democrats win."  I think she believes that the Republican party has been hijacked by the Tea Party Movement, and she's not alone, but the Tea Party Movement will tell you that government in general has been hijacked by career politicians.  If she's saying that the Republican majority doesn't have a mandate from the people, I think she's wrong.  The message  from voters seemed pretty clear- "stop spending."  If Republicans fail to hear that message, then I think the new message will be, "you're fired."  Simple as that.  Then again, she also mentioned embracing our shared values, education, the economy, and defense.  I'm not convinced the former Speaker and I have a lot in common when it comes to those issues, and I doubt the freshman House members have much in common with her, either.  It sounds like she's calling for compromise...but compromise basically means, "you give us what we want and give your constituents the middle finger."  All of this "elections shouldn't matter" stuff is kind of weird coming from Democrats when you consider that when they won, we were told, "Elections have consequences."  I seem to remember very clearly that the Democrats claimed to have a mandate from the people in '06 and '08, and they basically told Republicans, "screw you, we won."  Maybe they've had a change of heart.  Now, it's "let's not get caught up in all of this 'democracy' stuff."  I know what you're going to say- "Compromise is important, Mr. Johnson!  Would you prefer gridlock, you red state red neck puke bag?"  Well, Lefty, there's a difference between coming to an accord and basically backhanding the people who put you in office.  Pelosi also said, "To my Republican friends, take back your party, so that it doesn't matter so much who wins the election..."   Wait- take it back from whom?  The voters?  Yeah, good idea, ignore the will of the people and just do whatever Nancy wants!  That'll get you places! I've got news for you, Lefty...the Tea Party Movement didn't hijack the Republican party.  What actually happened was Democrats ignored the voters and just did what ever the hell they wanted they were voted out.  If the Republicans fail to deliver, then you Dems will probably get another whack at it.  Will elections matter then?
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Anonymous said...

it's a ping pong game!!

Unknown said...

Yeah, and we're the ball :(