Before you read too much into the title of this post, let me assure you all that I am well aware Reagan is dead. I know he's not coming back, and I promise I am not going to compare everyone to Reagan when this next presidential election cycle kicks in. I don't sit around in my underwear watching Fox News moaning, "what would Reagan do?" That's not what this is about. Really, the idea of "Searching for Reagan" goes back to my very first post. I've been asked by liberals why conservatives always seem to be looking for "the next Reagan," and I've been berated by conservatives who tell me to stop talking about him, that we need to find a new leader. Well, there you go again. To be honest, nostalgia plays a big part. After all, he was our leader when I was between the ages of six and fourteen, he was what I knew for eight years, and frankly, those were eight good years for me, but there's more to it than that. When I look at President
Obama's response to the insurrection in Libya, I can't help but remember that Reagan dropped bombs on that little twerp's house. Everyone knew that
Gaddafi was a sponsor of Islamic terrorists, that he was training suicide squads, that he talked about assassinating Reagan. Reagan's response? A bomb in your lap, buddy. It may not have killed him, but he hasn't messed with us since, has he? When I think about President
Obama's response to the voter protests in Iran, I remember Operation Praying Mantis. When Iran damaged an American vessel, Reagan sunk their navy. While Obama was telling the Russians where all of our nukes are and promising not to make any more, I thought back to Reykjavik. Gorbachev said, "we'll reduce our nukes if you stop working on defenses against them." What Reagan said? "No." Obama is yoga. Reagan is kickboxing. He also had a way with the press. He knew who these people are and how to talk to them. When asked by Sam Donaldson if Reagan would accept any of the blame for the recession, Reagan quipped, "yes, because for years, I was a democrat." He understood liberals, how liberals use language to frame the debate, and he
redefined the debates on his terms. He rejected class warfare in favor of prosperity for everybody. There was no right or left, there was up or down. Because of his two landslide victories, people still refer to the "Reagan Democrats." He knew how to get his message out. Just think back to the 1980s for a second. We finally welcomed our
Viet Nam veterans home. We restored the statue of liberty. People were singing "Born in the USA" not because of whatever point Bruce Springsteen was trying to get across, but because they were proud to be Americans. G.I. Joe was a real American Hero. Tell me you didn't watch
Red Dawn and cheer Patrick
Swayze on. Tell me Mary Lou
Retton didn't make you proud. Lie to me and say you weren't stoked to hear Rambo was coming back for blood. America was just...
different under Ronald Reagan. Some of you will try to remind me about Iran-Contra and Ollie North. Let me just say that even though there was nothing illegal about it, it bothered me, too...and I believe it bothered and saddened Reagan, too. Leadership is tough. But Reagan did lead. Reagan made me feel good about my country, which I think was important for everyone after
Viet Nam, After Nixon, After Carter. That's what I'm searching for. Not just Reagan. I don't want Reagan back, I don't want to relive the 1980s...I want to feel good about America again. I want to feel that optimism, that-dare I say it? Hope.
Agreed. All around. Reagan was a tough bastard. Exactly what one expects from a cowboy actor. Nobody messed with us when he was the boss, and those that tried only tried once. (My mother called me Francis once. Once.)
Also, say what you will about Reagan-omics, maybe we were robbing Peter to pay Paul as a country, but under the current regime, that seems to be what most of us our forced to do as individuals, at any rate.
Love the Johnny Dangerously quote.
As to Reaganomics- it worked. Bill Clinton reaped the rewards of it. Keep taxes low, businesses grow.
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