Once again, America has taken the lead on the world stage and engaged in military action. A day late and a dollar short, you might say...but apparently we were waiting for the French and the rest of the U.N. to give us permission. Barack Obama is not the cowboy that George Bush was, after all. I, for one, would just like to say that I support the president. I'd like saying it a whole lot more, however, if he weren't sightseeing in Brazil. Now hold on, I know you're about to bring up the whole "now, watch this drive" thing with George Bush, but that little catch phrase was uttered way before we went to war with Iraq. Besides that, I have nothing against the president going to a Sox game, or whatever, to relax. Moreover, I also understand that this trip to South America is important to America's interests. Heck, if you can take the wife and kids to Rio for a little vacation and get some work done at the same time, why not go for it? EXCEPT when you've just ordered American warplanes to drop bombs on another world leader's house. That's just asking for it. One news source I'm checking shows the bombed out ruin that was a command center at Gaddafi's compound, and another one is showing images of Obama playing soccer with some kid and hanging out with the family in front of the famous Christ the Redeemer statue. Neither site showed images of our president engaged in thoughtful conversation with the Joint Chiefs or even looking at a newspaper. "So what, Mr. Johnson," you may be saying, "didn't Bush spend most of his time in Texas? What about all of that, you republitard hack?" Ow. That stings. But seriously, don't you think there's a bit of a difference between a working vacation at your ranch in Texas and being completely out of the country, out of the
hemisphere? Mr. President, I know you didn't want to have to do this in the first place. And I know that this is the 21st century. You're probably getting updates on your Blackberry, you're fully aware of what's going on in the world, because you check your Facebook status pretty regularly. It just doesn't
look good. I really thought you were a little more media savvy than this...I mean, last week, you were throwing out your picks for March Madness as the world was watching the Middle East burn...you just seem....out of touch. Besides, if something happens to you down there, we're left with Joe freaking Biden, a guy who makes Dan Quayle look like Aristotle. To top it all off, you had to go and tell Gaddafi that you won't commit to sending in ground troops, and you'd really rather hand it off to the French or anybody else that's willing after a few days have gone by! Wow. Why don't you just give him the exact date and time that the bombs will stop falling so he knows when it's safe to come out again? Look, I know you're a pleaser. You want everyone to like you. But listen, you can't be all things to all people. So, are you the president of The United States, or are you Pele'?
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