Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Pesky Little Thing Just Won't Go Away

Donald Trump has headed to the bone yard of politics.  Most people who want to be taken seriously in politics, or even life in general, tend to stay away from the topic of President Obama's birth certificate, but Trump took his view to "The View" on ABC and reignited a debate thought by most of us to be dead and buried.  People like Rev. Manning are perceived as nuts, and even Speaker Boehner had to come out on Meet The Press and declare that he is not a "birther," but Donald Trump decided to go on a television show overflowing with support for Barack Obama and say in front of Whoopie Goldberg, Joy Behar, and Barbara Walters (who used to be a journalist, they say), that Obama has not shown his birth certificate because "there's something on that birth certificate that [Obama] doesn't like."  Talk show hosts like Bill O'Reilly and Mark Levin go out of their way to let every one know that they may disagree with the president's policies, but they don't accuse him of being foreign-born and generally mock people that do ("Get out of here, you idiot," Levin would say, "I don't have time for this crap!").  Trump, however, who is considering a run for the presidency, takes issue with that.  "I'm like a really smart guy.  They make these birthers into the worst idiots.  Why doesn't he show his birth certificate," he asked.  Well...most people will tell you it's because he shouldn't have to, after all, as Whoopie pointed out on The View (before she accused him of being s racist), no one ever asked to see George Bush's birth certificate.  And that's true- but they did ask to see John McCain's, which he presented, proving he was born in American territory (the Panama Canal zone, in fact).  At this point, you may be saying, "Oh, come on, Mr. Johnson, you mouth-breathing idiot, are you a birther, too, now, just because Trump said some stupid stuff on The View?"  Well, I don't like your tone.  But it's irrelevant, because Obama  is the president.  The records are sealed, along with his Columbia University records, his Harvard Law School records, and his passport, and they may never be seen, but it doesn't matter because he was elected, sworn in, and that's that.  Still...why not show it?  I mean, it would shut everybody up, wouldn't it?  I mean, if somebody challenged my citizenship, I could prove it right now, and I would- just to make them look stupid.  I'd whip out my passport, or a copy of my birth certificate with the raised stamped seal of the state of Florida, and I'd say, "Happy now, Jackass?"  So- why doesn't he?  The argument has been, "well, he doesn't have to prove anything to those crazy racists!"  Maybe, but- don't you kind of have to prove that you're eligible to be President?  Like I said, though, it doesn't really matter at this point, because he won, he got the job.  I don't think we'll have a constitutional crisis on our hands or have to do 2008 all over again, do you?  But there's this little voice in my head that keeps saying, "why doesn't he just show it already, and then we can be done with it? Is he hiding something?"  That pesky little voice must be in Donald Trump's head, too.  You can watch his comments here:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I adore Mark Levin. The old cranky pants. Fun site you have!