You know, it's funny...I keep hearing people say that Islam is a religion of peace, but every time Muslims are offended by something, they react by advocating murder. Here's an example: a guy by the name of Abu Osama al-Hazeen posted in a chat forum, "Today I say: Rejoice ... By Allah London shall be bombed." Why would any peace-loving person say something like this? Because Salman Rushdie was Knighted by the queen of England, that's why. You remember him, don't you, the guy who wrote a work of fiction called The Satanic Verses which angered a bunch of Muslims who called for his assassination? Yup, this book offended the peace-loving Muslims, and when Muslims are offended, they kill people. This al-Hazeen guy says the English were asking for it, saying, "Is Britain longing for Al Qaeda's bombings? We, and the whole world has seen what Britain has done ... their intention to honour Salman Rushdie who insulted and slandered Islam. " Somebody wrote a book Muslims don't like, therefore a whole nation should be bombed, is that what I should infer from this? According to Rosie O'Donnell, radical Christians are just as dangerous as radical Muslims, but I don't remember any car bombings happening when The DaVinci Code was published, do you? Sure, some people picketed outside theaters when The Last Temptation of Christ came out, but nobody died and nothing blew up. Sorry, Rosie, I have got to disagree with you. Muslims, on the other hand, threatened violence on the Pope for quoting a guy who has been dead for centuries, but we keep being reminded that they are a religion of peace. It's like pointing at a duck and saying, "hey, that's a duck," and the duck angrily says, "no, I'm not (quack)!" So why is everyone so quick to defend these guys? Because we don't want to offend the Muslims. We all know what happens when you offend the religion of peace.