Is Joe Lieberman the only liberal thinker out there who understands how foolish it is to put partisan politics before national security? In an interview with The Hill,
http://thehill.com/leading-the-news/lieberman-escalates-attack-on-iraq-critics-2007-07-31.html, he blasts his former liberal allies on their continued criticism of the president and the war. “I fear that some people take this position also because anything President Bush is for, they’ll be against, and that’s wrong,” said Lieberman, a staunch advocate of the war. “There’s a great tradition in our history of partisanship generally receding when it comes to foreign policy. But for the moment we’ve lost that.” That little quote, folks, explains it all. Liberal Democrats hate George Bush so much that they will blame him for anything, even a natural disaster, and anything he is for the will automatically be against. Hurricane Katrina? George Bush's fault. 9/11? George Bush's fault. Global warming? George Bush's fault. The sinking of Titanic? They're not sure they can prove it, but they know George Bush sank it. Liberals hate him so much that, even in the middle of a war against an evil enemy that wants all Christians and Jews dead, they can't bring themselves to admit that sometimes fighting is the only option. Because Joe Lieberman doesn't subscribe to the point of view that anything George Bush says or does is wrong, they hung him out to dry in the last election, even though he was the Democrat Party's choice for Vice President in 2000. Yet, as American voters seem to like a guy who has the courage to stand by his beliefs, he won his Senate seat as an independent. “I think either [Democrats] are, in my opinion, respectfully, naïve in thinking we can somehow defeat this enemy with talk, or they’re simply hesitant to use American power, including military power,” Lieberman was quoted as saying by The Hill. Well, maybe, but it's more likely that no Democrat wants to be caught siding with the president. Lieberman is so put off by this that he hasn't ruled out jumping ship entirely and becoming a Republican. Keep in mind, by the way, that Joe Lieberman is in no way, shape, or form a conservative. That has to say something for the direction the Democrat party is going, don't you think? Could he become the first nationally recognized liberal Republican? I wonder if there's a support group for that.....