There's an article online today on yahoo.com by "environmental journalist" Lori Bongiorno entitled, "Signs of a Green Hypocrite." Not being one of the sheep who buy into the religion of global warming, I was pulled in by the title of the article. I was expecting to read a scathing article on the hypocrisy of people like Al Gore who burn millions of tons of fuel travelling the globe to tell us how we're destroying the planet with our SUVs. Instead, I got...well, here's one of the signs of a "green hypocrite," according to Lori Bongiorno.
"Carries reusable grocery bags, but fills them up with bottled water and packaged junk. What you put into your reusable grocery bag is far more important than the bag itself. It's better to carry a plastic bag and fill it up with locally grown fruits and veggies then to tote around an eco-friendly sack filled with packaged foods and drinks that have been shipped thousands of miles."
What!?!? It's just never enough for these people! "You're just not green enough! I'm greener than you are! You're not doing enough for the planet!" You people make me want to puke. By the way, not to get too far off topic, here, but have you never heard of a truck farmer? How the hell do you think people in Chicago get "fresh fruits and veggies" in the middle of freaking February? Oil! Lots and lots of refined petroleum, like what those PLASTIC BAGS are made of! But getting back to my original rant here, I'll say what I posted in the comments section of the article right here.
Who the hell are any of you to criticize anyone for any of the choices they make, "green" or not? I mean, is this all you do, sit around wringing your hands over the plastic water bottle in some other hippie's cloth bag? Get a life, and stay out of everyone elses'! Seriously. You're going to harp on someone because they drive a Prius, but they don't carpool? The other eco-nuts aren't as good and pure as you because they buy organic vegetables but still eat meat? I guess the world just won't be perfect until everyone acts just like you, huh? Maybe I should poop outside on the lawn and stop wasting all of that precious water in my toilette, would that be "green" enough for you?
Now, I know the point of the article was probably meant to be a series of friendly suggestions designed to get us all doing more than we are, but if that is the author's intent, why call it, "Signs of a Green Hypocrite?" No, her intent was to stick her pointy little fingers in our collective chests and mock people who think they are making a difference but who are really only kidding themselves in her eyes. It's the same as laughing at the fat guy who orders a diet coke with his greasy Big Mac and supersized fries. Hey, Lori. Guess what? You're ALL wasting your time. The Earth will continue to orbit the sun billions of years after my gas-guzzling car has rusted away. Why don't you help combat global warming by keeping your mouth shut instead of popping off with all of that hot air?
The article I'm mocking can be found at
I robbed the picture from www.thegreatilluminator.com
Want to give me a piece of your mind? Post a comment. If you have a mind to.
Interesting rant. I see you point when it comes to be irritated or annoyed at the writer. However, speaking on be half of my self, I would like to say that I have been trying to live "green" before they coined the phrase. I think everyone should do their part to do he right thing-period-when it comes to all things. The Earth will be here probably much, much longer than any of us, but then again who knows. I do know that it is disgusting to pollute our air, our water, our soil, our food, our bodies, and on, and on. All living creatures-those with a voice and those without a voice-deserve to live on a planet that is healthy. We ALL need to cut back on our gluttony and quit acting like Earth is our own personal ash tray, landfill , or toilet. It's not!!! Nothing is going to change over night but everyone CAN make a difference every day some how, and all of those little differences can add up to bigger differences.
I will end with a quote from one of the people I deeply admire-
"In this life we cannot do great things. We can only do small things with great love."
~Mother Teresa
I could not agree with Mother Teresa more, Danell. Just for the record, I agree with you, too, that we should not pollute the Earth. I just have a problem with people who tell me that carbon dioxide, something we all exhale, is a pollutant, as the EPA has said. I also have a problem with self-riteous hippie journalists.
I agree about carbon dioxide-that is that we exhale it- but there is a reason why we need oxygen to live, to breathe, and not carbon dioxide. Mother Nature did not invent the automobile or any other object similar in nature. I drive a car so I am not perfect, but just going back to what I said earlier-do our best-our honest best-that's all one can do. :)
I don't know if my comment will post twice-I just lost it I think. Anyway, I agree we exhale carbon dioxide but we need oxygen to live and breathe. There is a reason we exhale carbon dioxide because it is poison. All of the pollutants add to what we naturally breathe out. Less tree's, fro example, doesn't help with matters either (deforestation). Mother nature did not invent the automobile or other objects similar in nature. I am not trying to sound like a hypocrite because I drive a car every day. I am just saying we all need to do our best-our honest best to be better to the Earth and to each other and all living things for that matter. :)
Trees LOVE the CO2 we breath out. In return, they give us the oxygen we need. So I'll just keep on breathing no matter what Al Gore says. Also, I am not a Wiccan, so I don't believe in "Mother Nature." God, it is true, did not invent the automobile...but he did leave all of that oil in the ground for us. What would we do with it if we didn't burn it? And If we switch to ethanol, aren't we just taking away more beautiful, oxygen-giving plants?
Rubbish!! It never occurred to me that pooping in the yard was green. I'm telling the human I'm going to start using the toilet! I'm sure she won't mind me running in and out making that ancient window unit work harder damaging the earth more. See I get to kill two birds with one stone.
Gearld the toilet using goat
Do not mess with Gerald, folks...he still has his horns and he loves to use them.
I think you and my husband were made for each other! LOL
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