That 3:00 AM phone call that Hillary Clinton warned us about during the democrat primaries three years ago came this morning, as President Obama was made aware of a critical situation on the Korean Peninsula. For the first time since the cease-fire between the two warring neighbors almost 60 years ago, the North Koreans shelled civilians in South Korea. Each side claims it was the other country's fault, and there are plenty of experts and analysts out there to dissect it all, so I will spare you. That's not really why I'm posting this, anyway. I've been reading and listening to the news today whenever I had the opportunity, and the big question on every one's mind is, "What, if anything, should America do?" There are idiots on all sides with their own answers, such as, "why don't we just nuke 'em," or, "let them sort it out themselves." So many children have posted on different news sites and blogs that "war is never the answer." Let's consider that for a moment. War was the answer to American independence. It was also the answer to the re-unification of the states and an end to slavery. War was also the answer to the question, "how do we stop Hitler?" War was the answer when Iraq invaded Kuait. War will be the answer when North Koreans in uniforms start asking, "hey, mighty leader, what's for dinner?" Sometimes war is the ONLY answer. I don't want war any more than the rest of you, but the fact is that the Korean war never ended- we've only had a 60 year cease-fire. If the North attacks our ally to the south, we are obligated to help them. Oh, we've been avoiding it for some time now, having our six-way talks and our sanctions. Some say the aggression from the North stems from desperation, because they're starving. Still others say it will never get too ugly, because the Chinese will keep the North Koreans in check. Plenty of people also believe that the threat of a nuclear North Korea is non-existent because they don't have the money to fund such a program and sanctions should be enough. That's all crap. See, the truth is, Kim Jong Il is CRAZY. Certifiably nuts. He starves his own countrymen so he can buy porn, booze, and bombs. He's also pretty sure that China's got his back, so he's not really all that concerned with what, if anything, America decides to do. Besides, we may have 30,000 military personnel stationed in South Korea, but we also have two other wars going on. Kim doesn't listen to reason. I'm beginning to think North Korea is not only threatening war, they are counting on it. If South Korea is attacked, and we don't act, we will be telling our allies they can't count on us. It will also tell our enemies that we are weak and over-extended. We may not want to fight, but if the cease-fire ends, we will have to fight, one way or another. All the same, I sure hope I'm wrong, but I'd rather if we were ready in case I'm right.