Saturday, October 20, 2007

Sen. Reid: Tremendous Abuse of Power Leads To Charity

As should have been expected, democrats shot themselves in the foot and them claimed, "I meant to do that!" In yet another attempt to "defend the constitution" by shredding it, Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) sent a letter to Clear Channel intended to intimidate them into silencing Rush Limbaugh. At the very least, it demanded an apology from Rush for being critical of soldiers who are against the war, a bald-faced lie. Ooops. It backfired. Mark Mays, head of Clear Channel, gave the letter to Rush, who then auctioned it off for a military charity on eBay for over $2,000,000. Some of you may not really get what's happened here, so I'll spell it out. Democrats in congress wasted taxpayer time and money in congress expressing outrage at something a private citizen never even said. Then they used the power of government to intimidate the citizen's boss into firing him or making him take back what he never said, though he had every constitutional right to say it. It backfired, and the letter designed to threaten private business, private citizens, was used by the intended victims to raise money for a charity. This exposed the abuse of power, vindicated Limbaugh, helped the families of Marines and law enforcement, and embarrassed the 41 democrat signatories to the letter. How did Sen. Reid respond? "What could be a more worthwhile cause? I think it's really good that this money on eBay is going to be raised for this purpose. When I spoke to Mark Mays, he and I thought this probably wouldn't make much money, a letter written by Democratic senators complaining about something." Well! To hear him tell it, he's a freaking hero who had this all planned from the start! I'm sure he was sitting in his office last week thinking to himself, "you know, we need to raise money for the families of marines and law enforcement officers who have fallen in the line of duty. Obviously, the best way to do that is to tap dance on the Bill of Rights and abuse the power of government! I know! Let's try to get Rush Limbaugh fired, that ought to raise some funds!"'s plausible. After all, it seems the only way democrats can win at anything is by smearing people and telling lies. Maybe he and the 40 other democrats really tried to use evil for a good cause. Or maybe they were exposed for the power-hungry hypocrites they are, maybe they got caught abusing the power they were given by the people, maybe they're a bunch of crooks caught in the act and they think if they just shrug their shoulders and say, "well, it all ended okay," we'll forgive and forget. Forget that they tried to stomp all over freedom of speech? Not even for $2,000,000, Harry. No way.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Robotic Politician Wins Medal For Peace By Scaring The Hell Out of Everyone

Algore was awarded the Nobel peace prize today for his commitment to teaching people that we're all going to die in a few short years and it's all our fault because we live and breathe. Some people say the award is really for his award-winning documentary, "An Inconvenient Truth," which, ironically, is filled with "serious scientific inaccuracies, political propaganda and sentimental mush," according to British High Court judge Michael Burton (as reported by Either way, all I can say is, at least they didn't give him the Nobel prize for science. If he were so worried about hot air, he'd shut his yap, that's all. Kids are loosing sleep because they think the SUV mommie drives them to school in is destroying the earth and killing polar bears thanks to this buffoon! Nobel prize for peace? He deserves a swift kick in the pants! Here's a guy who says the very act of human respiration-inhaling oxygen and emitting carbon dioxide, for those of you who forgot your 3rd grade science book, is going to turn the Earth into a giant fireball. Do you believe him? Then why do you talk to your plants? Here's the problem. For the most part, people are good and want to feel they are doing their part to make the world a better place. For a lot of people, just saying there is a problem is enough to atone for their perceived part in it. Some folks even go so far as to make sure they use the least amount of toilet paper possible to save trees. Some, however, feel the need to make preachy movies about junk science to scare the hell out of people and guilt them into accepting bigger government and useless carbon taxes. They just have to believe it, they have to....because if they listened to people like Dr. William Grey, a leading hurricane forecaster, they'd feel like boobs. Doesn't feel very good to learn you've been duped by a failed politician turned's easier to believe the lie. So, today Algore the Alarmist is celebrated, because he cares. Too bad someone who is actually doing something to secure peace didn't win. You know, someone like General Petraeus.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

"Most Ethical Congress" Seeks Investigation Into Dangerous Thing Called "Free Speech"

Here we go again, once more on the "Fairness Doctrine" merry-go-round. This is how it works with liberals like Harry Reid and Nacy Pelosi; If it's flag burning or pornography in the streets, it's free speech, but if a guy on the radio says he's tired of illegal immigration or says he's offended by porn in the streets it's hate speech. The thing that free speech and hate speech have in common , apparently, is that both are defined by liberals. Once you realise this, it should not be a surprise that Rep. Henry Waxman, Democrat, California, is reportedly launching an investigation on famed talk radio host Rush Limbaugh. That's right, the people who promised us back in January the most ethical congress in our country's history are wasting taxpayer time and money digging up dirt on one of their biggest critics in an attempt to shut him up. These self-proclaimed sentinels of our most sacred rights as citizens are the first ones to tell you they stand for freedom of speech and are invariably the first ones to try to take it away from you. "You can't say that! That's hate speech! That's not politically correct! Why, something has to be done about all of these people expressing their personal views! There ought to be a law! We need to launch investigations, hearings, hangings! How dare you say something I personally disagree with!" Calling themselves the Democratic Party is an insult to the very word "democratic." Now, I'm not really worried about Rush Limbaugh. He can take care of himself. As he said on his program, "It's a pretty serious charge that the chairman of the House Government Oversight Committee is going to compile reports and conduct investigations of private citizens who work on the radio." This is bigger than Rush, or Hannity, this threatens anyone who states an opinion, anywhere, anytime, in any forum. I've told you before, folks, if they succeed in resurrecting the Fairness Doctrine, it will spill over into the internet, into coffee houses, and even your overheard cell phone conversations. It has nothing to do with "fairness." It has everything to do with silencing the opposition. Conservatives like myself are usually called nasty names like "Nazi," but let me ask you this...what seems more American to you, offering up an opposing viewpoint or trying to silence it? Think about it.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

"Indigenous Peoples" Mad At Dead Italian Explorer

Happy Indigenous Peoples Day! Guess what?

According to an article on by Keith Coffman, a handful of American Indians decided to display their outrage at a century-old peaceful demonstration in Denver by getting themselves arrested for disrupting it. Their apparent spokesman, an "Indian Activist" named Russell Means, claims that Christopher Columbus is personally responsible for a legacy of genocide, slavery, occupation, and death. Oh, yeah, and he's the bogeyman. Those are pretty serious charges, one has to admit, but I understand Columbus is guilty of a few other things, as well. For example, he is directly responsible for the spread of Christianity, capitalism, and for opening up the globe for exploration! Egad! Why hasn't someone dug him up and tossed his dusty bones in jail? On a side note, I noticed that the Ottawa Tribal Office here in my little corner of Oklahoma will be closed for Columbus day, and of course they'll all be in church this morning, but I'm pretty sure I heard their Casino will be open for business tomorrow. Still, I'm sure they're just as outraged at the destruction of their homeland as Mr. Mean. I'm sure they're all mad as hell that the discovery of the Americas by evil Europeans led to the rise of the most powerful, influential, democratic, and economically vibrant nation in the world in which the people are guaranteed the right to protest. Who could doubt the hatred they have in their hearts for Christopher Columbus as they leave the Baptist Church parking lot in their new gas-guzzling, polluting Hummers to get a buffalo burger at that little diner on Main Street that's run by "the white man." No doubt the many Indian casinos around the area are designed to give us a better understanding of their culture and the profits will be used to build sturdier wigwams and save the I'm sure they see no irony in hating Columbus at the same time they go on the line to price their next trip to Italy. Oh, well. Despite all of the "bad" that was done by Columbus, I'm still a grateful American, so until some boob changes Columbus, Ohio to Indigenouspeoplestown, Ohio, I'm still going to celebrate. How about you?