Yesterday, in addition to being Thanksgiving Day (which was enough for me), was the anniversary of former President John F. Kennedy's death by an assassin in Dallas, Texas. What better way to mark the
occasion than by suggesting another (
GASP!) conspiracy? That's what I found at
www.worldnetdaily.com, one of the web sites I check regularly for news and commentary. In fact, it was the lead story. I guess the story of President Kennedy's murder is still getting this much press 45 years later because...well, a lot of people liked him. That, and the fact that it was (cue
Access Hollywood music) "caught on tape!"
People who are old enough to remember where they were when they heard that the president had been shot still seem to think back on that day as if they were survivors of some horrible event like Hurricane Katrina, and almost every one has an opinion as to what really happened. I don't want to downplay the tragedy of losing a President, I really don't mean to sound callous, but why are we still so wrapped up in this? I have never had a conversation with anyone that involved the words, "John Wilkes Booth did not act alone! I can prove it!" No one has ever come up with a vast Teddy Roosevelt conspiracy theory to explain the assassination of President McKinley, to my knowledge. Kennedy, though, is somehow different, and that's why, according to worldnetdaily, a former Illinois state trooper named Abraham Bolden has come out recently to tell us about the Cuban nationals plotting to kill the president just a few weeks before that day in Dallas. Apparently, Mr. Kennedy was supposed to be in Chicago on November 2nd, 1963, to watch the Army-Air Force game, but changed his plans due to an assassination plot, uncovered by former trooper and Secret Service agent Bolden. The short story is, it involved a motel room, some Cubans, a whole mess of automatic weapons, and the president's advertised route to Soldier Field. Thanks to the uncovering of this plot, the President changed his plans so he could be assassinated in Dallas instead. So...who killed Kennedy? Cubans? North Vietnamese? The Mafia? Joe DiMaggio? The Boys From Brazil? Vice-President Johnson? The CIA? Why, there's just no way Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone! I've heard so much about it now that it's gotten to be like OJ for me, I don't care who did it anymore. It seems like a lot of people wanted him dead, so unless Agatha Christie comes out and announces once and for all it was suspect X, I say we just let him rest in peace. I guess you could argue that because I didn't grow up with "Camelot," I can't fully appreciate that day in Dallas. I wasn't "there," man. You might say that I don't understand what a great leader he was, and you're right, I don't. In fact, other than getting killed in a convertible, the botched Bay of Pigs invasion, and a supposed affair with an also dead Hollywood bimbo named Marilyn, I've never read in any book about his great achievements as president. I'm not trying to be an iconoclast, here, but it's about time we let President Kennedy be dead and leave him that way. If you want to remember him, remember PT 109. Remember that he chose to serve his country, don't focus on the matted gore in his poor wife's lap. Stop looking under your beds for the bogeyman, you can't serve his memory very well that way, and it sure can't bring him back.