The First Amendment is a powerful, liberating concept. Here in America, John Cusack can post, “I AM FOR A SATANIC DEATH CULT CENTER AT FOX NEWS HQ AND OUTSIDE THE OFFICES OF DICK ARMEY AND NEWT GINGRICH-and all the GOP WELFARE FREAKS," on Twitter without fear of intimidation. Hey, that's free speech. You may not like it, but he has a right to say it. And if Muslims want to build a mega-mosque two blocks away from Ground Zero, well, they have a right to practice their religion. This is America, after all. On top of that, people who oppose the location of that mosque have every right, thanks to that same amendment, to assemble and openly protest it. No one is going to attack them. Well, almost no one. Radical Muslims may come after you and try to kill you, and it doesn't take much to tick them off, so maybe you should be careful. Molly Norris, for example, has had to rethink the whole "freedom of speech" thing. She is the cartoonist who made May 20th "Everyone Draw Mohamed Day." She's in hiding now. She's even changed her name, and is currently under the protection of the FBI. I guess she didn't want to end up like Theo Van Gogh, who was murdered by Mohammed Bouyeri in 2004 for expressing his views on Islam and how that religion treats women. Maybe she's hanging out with Salman Rushdie, who has been in hiding since the 80s after writing a work of fiction that Muslims found blasphemous. Maybe she'll end up going from country to country like Taslima Nasreen, a fellow editorialist from Bangladesh, who has been running for her life since 1993 because she criticised the Muslim world's treatment of women. Thankfully, as both President Bush and President Obama have made known, we are not at war with Islam. Islam, after all, is "a religion of peace." It's funny, though, that whenever anyone, like Pope Benedict, for example, offends Muslims, they call for his death and chant things like, "you will pay," and "watch your back." It's also funny that whenever someone (like me) is critical of Islam or Sharia Law, it isn't considered an exercise of free speech. No, it's hate speech. Bigoted. Intolerant. There ought to be a law! Well, a law already exists. The First Amendment. Just be careful what you say, because the religion of peace may seek to kill you for being so intolerant as to speak your mind.
The cartoon above is not my property. I actually robbed it off a website called