President Bush is making another push to get Osama Bin Laden, according to timesonline.com, before he leaves office in January. This is comforting news to those Americans who had assumed the President had just given up on the whole idea after seven years, and I'm sure the cave-dwelling monster is shaking in his sandals. After all, this renewed manhunt will bring our Predators and Reapers into Pakistan, where Bin Laden has presumably been hiding out like a child safely "on base" during a game of schoolyard tag. There are those who will sneer at this effort by Mr. Bush, calling it a lame attempt to raise his approval ratings and secure his legacy before either Sen. McCain or Sen. Obama move into the Oval Office, and they may be right. Maybe...but I don't really care, I just want the guy caught, dead or alive. After all, the guy was charged with terrorism conspiracy in a sealed indictment back in 1998, during the Clinton administration....well before the attacks on September 11, 2001. Why isn't this guy dead already? Couldn't we have sent in Rambo, or James Bond? Actually, we may just be doing that. The Special Boat Service (SBS) and the Special Reconnaissance Regiment of the United Kingdom have been called in to aid our own U.S. Special Forces, with the grudging support of the Pakistani government, in the Bajaur tribal zone in northwest Pakistan. Let's just say my fingers are crossed. In any case, although I have a beef or two with President Bush on a few issues, such as illegal immigration, I still applaud him for doing what other so-called leaders are afraid to do. You don't try to make nice with the enemy, you hit them with everything you've got until they are dead or give up. With that in mind, I'm going to give the president the benefit of the doubt and assume that this is not just a way to try and improve his standing before he leaves office, but an honest attempt to full fill a promise to the American people. Whether this is naive, or just plain wrong, it doesn't really matter to me. Just get Bin Laden.