From Iowa to New Hampshire, from South Carolina to Nevada, the Democrat candidates for president all agree; they are the candidates for change. They also all agree America is ready for change, that we can't go on with the Status Quo. No more must America be burdened with such things like a record low unemployment rate of 4%. No more can America stand for victory against foreign enemies. We need to change the fact that Americans have so much personal liberty! And it's high time we, as Americans, stopped settling for all of this abundance and plenty! Is it fair that even the poorest of the poor here in America have it better off than most people in third world countries? We need change, people, and the Democrat party has promised it! Scared yet? I get the feeling that when Democrats talk about change, they're talking about the few pennies you get back after the IRS is done with you. They want to change our current health care system so that it more closely resembles a line at the post office or DMV. They'll tell you what doctor you can or can't see, provided you follow their health guidelines. They want to help the economy by soaking the rich, thereby making the rich stop investing in business and creating jobs. They'll punish those greedy oil companies for providing small business owners with gas station franchises to run. They want to pull us out of the war on terror to improve our standing in the world. After all, nothing says, "Don't Tread On Me" like tucking your tail and running. They will send a clear message to our allies that we won't be there for them. And of course, there are just too many Americans out there making their own decisions...Democrats will change all of that. Banning things like transfats and smoking was just a start. They promise to pass legislation banning smoking in your own car, "for the sake of the children," although they'd happily have applauded the abortions of those same children, because for Democrats, there just aren't enough of those happening. They'll change that, too. Democrats won't be happy until they "change" America into a larger version of Cuba. All I can tell you is, if you decide to sit this election out because there isn't a "perfect" choice, get ready for "change." Slogans are nice. Reality is better.