Wednesday, September 12, 2012


The U.S. Ambassador to Libya, along with at least three staff members are dead after an  assault by a Libyan militia.  In Cairo, Egypt, an angry mob breached the U.S. embassy, tore down our flag, and relaced it with a black flag with religious writing on it.  Because they were mad that some guy in America made a movie that mocks Mohammed.  Our response?  From the Website of the U.S. embassy in Cairo- "
The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims – as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions. Today, the 11th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, Americans are honoring our patriots and those who serve our nation as the fitting response to the enemies of democracy. Respect for religious beliefs is a cornerstone of American democracy. We firmly reject the actions by those who abuse the universal right of free speech to hurt the religious beliefs of others."  Wow, so we have to apologize for some guy who makes a movie that pisses people off?  Why didn't anyone apologize to me for Religious by Bill Maher back in 2008?  From Secretary of State Hillary Clinton:"We condemn this vicious and violent attack that took their lives, which they had committed to helping the Libyan people reach for a better future."  Well...I guess that's a little better...but I liked the way Reagan handled things.  Gaddafi was threatening assassinations, we all knew about his terrorisat training camps, so Ronald Reagan dropped bombs on his house.  Guess what?  That little pipsqueak of a colonel never gave us grief again.  Of course, Gaddafi's dead now...thanks to the "Arab Spring" everyone was so excited about.  Isn't democracy grand?  Look at how things have changed in Egypt, Libya, and Syria!  Doesn't it just fill you with hope for the future? 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

There Are Other "Choices" You Can Make

Okay, Leftie, since we're friends, I'm going to try one last time to explain my feelings on abortion to you, because I just don't think you get it. You think I'm some sort of bible-thumper, that I think I'm better than you, and that I want to ram my hypocritical views down your throat.  You believe that I'm using my religion as a justification for dictating to you what you can or can't do with your body.  The truth is, religion shouldn't matter.  What I believe is that you are ignoring a very simple truth.  It's not just your body anymore.  You carry inside your body another person, a growing, developing baby, a life.  What ever happened to you, whether you were raped , or you had sex with someone you don't particularly want to have a child with, it is not the baby's fault.  You do not have a right to hire a doctor to murder him or her just to make yourself feel better about what happened to you or to remove yourself from whatever problems or inconveniences you think the baby will cause.  You don't see it that way, maybe because you don't want to except the emotional burden, or maybe because you have found some sort of moral ambiguity in the nature of when a developing baby can truely be called "alive."  You tell me no one really knows when life begins, but I tell you if something is growing and develpoing, that means there is life.  To put it differently, the question of, "which came first, the chicken or the egg," is irrelevant to me, because when you crack open an egg and fry it, you are preparing to eat chicken.  The fact that it has not grown feathers and a beak yet does not make this any less true.  Just as the chicken has the egg to protect it, the baby needs your womb.  I've never understood why people who are horrified when they see a pregnant woman smoking or dinking a glass of wine have no problem with this presumed "choice."  Listen, if you want to cut off your left arm, be my guest, it's your body.  If you want to have a doctor rip your living baby violently from the womb, well, that is not your body, it's his or hers.  It's not about "women's health," or "freedom to choose," or any of those other phony slogans, it's about you being so selfish that you are willing to murder your own baby because you're affraid, or don't like what might happen to you.  I hate to be the one to tell you, but there is a price for that "freedom."  And there is guilt.  And regret.  And pain. Because I never met a person, be it a woman who chose an abortion, or a man who was involved, who looked back ten years later and said, "I'm so glad I had that thing killed."  We aren't talking about a thing, like a tumor, or a cyst, we're talking about a baby, someone who needs you, someone who loves you before they even knew you. You want this person dead, for whatever reason, and think that you deserve that "right to choose."  Hmmm...what to do, what to do...should I put you up for adoption, try to raise you, or should I just kill you?  You are not "pro choice," you are "pro death." If you can't see that, we have nothing left to discuss.